MINT-Impulse at school

Project: Research

Project Details


"MINT-Impulse at school" is the mobile program of "ExploreTUM,” a program supported by the Technical University of Munich (TUM), especially for girls in the fields of mathematics, natural sciences, computer science, and technology (MINT). Chairs at TUM prepare exciting and current research topics from the MINT area as project courses for 14 to 16-year-old girls (1-day face-to-face course plus preparation and follow-up). The MINT-Impulse projects occur at Bavaria schools, which have difficult access to extracurricular activities (e.g., due to a significant physical distance). TUM speakers work with the girls on their projects for a day, offer them practical insight into their research area, and act as role models. All projects are prepared and followed up with the speakers to achieve a lasting effect. From the school year 2022/23, the "MINT-Impulse" projects will reach around 60 girls at schools in rural areas per trip. The evaluation of the program’s effect over a more extended period by the Professorship for Chemistry Education, focusing on self-efficacy, motivation, interest, and career development over a more extended period.
Effective start/end date1/12/2130/11/26


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