European Landart Project

  • Weilacher, Udo (CoI)
  • Murray, Peter E. (PI)
  • von Dziembowksi, Bettina (PI)
  • Domanovska, Eulalia (CoI)
  • Bianchi, Giacomo (CoI)
  • Gomez, Nadine (CoI)
  • Givell, Mattias (CoI)

Project: Research

Project Details


The European Landart Network (ELAN) is an international project, started in the summer of 2013, supported by the Culture Programme of the European Union and the Lower Saxony region of Germany. The idea was born in October 2012, when the initiator of the network, the German Springhornhof Foundation, invited Land Art organizations to a Partner Colloquium at Springhornhof. The network was officially founded in August 2013 with four partner organizations from Germany, Italy, Poland, and the UK. Scientific support was provided by the Chair for Landscape Architecture and Transformation at the Technical University of Munich. To evolve this network, there will be several inter-European meetings - severalö of them at TUM -, symposia, and art projects or programs in different countries.

The purpose of the network is to connect and promote Land Art artists, academics, experts, students, and organizations of several European countries, combined with research on the impact of Land Art on rural landscapes in Europe. It will endeavor to increase public visibility of Land Art in rural areas and cultural landscapes.
Short titleELAN
Effective start/end date1/10/121/06/16

Collaborative partners

  • Yorkshire Sculpture Park (YSP) (Joint applicant)
  • Springhornhof (Joint applicant) (lead)
  • Landscape Architecture and Visual Arts

    Weilacher, U. (PI), Murray, P. E. (CoI), Beardsley, J. (CoI), von Dziembowksi, B. (CoI), Lassus, B. (CoI) & Bürgi, P. (CoI)

    1/12/93 → …

    Project: Research