Digitization-related and digitally supported professionalization of MIN teachers

Project: Research

Project Details


The aim of the network is the exemplary development and prototypical implementation of a multidimensional strategy for subject-specific and subject-linked, digitization-related, and digitally supported professionalization of teachers for future-oriented MINT teaching. In focus 1, digitization-related professionalization modules related to already developed digitally supported teaching concepts are implemented on a research basis in supraregional clusters. In focus 2, the potential of digital innovation, such as virtual reality and simulations for implementing professionalization measures, are adaptively worked out. Building on the expertise of the association in the transfer of knowledge, in focus 3 (a) in exchange with state institutes and existing transfer networks, ways of cross-phase cooperation are reflected and optimized, (b) existing structures for the cross-state dissemination of the resulting products (OER-based teaching materials, professionalization modules and - concepts) further developed and (c) measures taken to provide control-relevant knowledge on the digitization-related competencies of teachers. The vision is to build a sustainable structure for an evidence-based, digitization-related professionalization of teachers that will impact other subjects.
Short titleChemistry - DigiProMIN
AcronymChemie - DigiProMIN
Effective start/end date1/04/2330/09/25

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