The focus of the project is on imparting skills in the area of developing one’s digital learning environ-ment, which enables prospective teachers, both in the area of grammar schools and vocational train-ing, to independently create digital experimental environments adapted to the learning group and learning situation. These enable the students to support them in their independent experiments through digital media. This content is supplemented by aspects of education for sustainable develop-ment, which are still underrepresented in teacher training. For this purpose, the students should first be taught basic skills and abilities, based on current research results, in the area as part of a seminar. The students can then implement these in developing independent digital experimentation assistants (DEANs). This approach not only enables the students to develop their skills but can also increase their motivation and their expectations of self-efficacy. This is particularly interesting because studies show that teachers often feel insecure when dealing with digital media, especially when developing digital learning environments independently. It is, therefore, urgently necessary to reduce these uncertain-ties within the framework of teacher training and to impart skills in this area.