Database and data publishing

Project: Research

Project Details


Subproject Z2 is responsible for managing the data of the research unit, of this and all previous phases. In particular, the subproject is responsible for the management of user access rights in accordance with the data use and publication policy. Data are made publicly available five years after they are collected, through the Jena Experiment Information System, by publishing the data in cooperation with - Pangaea, Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science- and GFBio - German Federation for Biological Data, and by publishing data papers. In the phase applied for, the Information System will be upgraded from BExIS to BExIS 2, in close cooperation with other projects involved in the BExIS 2 platform development in particular the database project of the SPP 1374 Biodiversity Exploratories and the BExIS++ project. This upgrade will make the Jena Experiment Information System compatible with all databases of projects based on BExIS 2 and will thus ensure future usability and maintainability. Further tasks of the subproject Z2 include providing advice on data handling to all subprojects of the research unit, supporting field work by e.g. providing the virtual field book, and maintaining the project homepage.

Effective start/end date1/01/1631/12/19


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