Concept development for decentralized measurement and control technology in buildings in the context of the Internet of Things

Project: Research

Project Details


Measurement and control technology (MSR) in buildings has so far operated centrally on the basis of higher-level parameters (top-down control) and is often unsatisfactory in terms of functionality and interaction with the user. The principles - as well as the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) - form the potential for decentralized control by dynamically linking the individual MSR sensors and actuators in the building services, facade, sun protection, etc. and the user via direct networking (e. g. Internet). The result is a bottom-up regulation. This results in a more specific and efficient building control system, which is designed to increase user comfort and reduce the energy consumption of the individual building services systems. The aim is to examine at the conceptual level how and to what extent such a decentralized regulation is technically feasible and what potential for improvement it can bring. Is it possible to completely dispense with central logical units through such an approach and how are central supply facilities controlled and regulated? In addition to investigating the spatial-climatic interrelationships, the focus is also on the analysis of possible interaction methods for controlling relevant climatic aspects (user interface).
Short titleIoT@MSR
Effective start/end date1/10/1730/09/18


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