1992 …2025

Research activity per year


Search results

  • 2019

    The CAFA challenge reports improved protein function prediction and new functional annotations for hundreds of genes through experimental screens

    Zhou, N., Jiang, Y., Bergquist, T. R., Lee, A. J., Kacsoh, B. Z., Crocker, A. W., Lewis, K. A., Georghiou, G., Nguyen, H. N., Hamid, M. N., Davis, L., Dogan, T., Atalay, V., Rifaioglu, A. S., Dalklran, A., Cetin Atalay, R., Zhang, C., Hurto, R. L., Freddolino, P. L. & Zhang, Y. & 147 others, Bhat, P., Supek, F., Fernández, J. M., Gemovic, B., Perovic, V. R., Davidović, R. S., Sumonja, N., Veljkovic, N., Asgari, E., Mofrad, M. R. K., Profiti, G., Savojardo, C., Martelli, P. L., Casadio, R., Boecker, F., Schoof, H., Kahanda, I., Thurlby, N., McHardy, A. C., Renaux, A., Saidi, R., Gough, J., Freitas, A. A., Antczak, M., Fabris, F., Wass, M. N., Hou, J., Cheng, J., Wang, Z., Romero, A. E., Paccanaro, A., Yang, H., Goldberg, T., Zhao, C., Holm, L., Törönen, P., Medlar, A. J., Zosa, E., Borukhov, I., Novikov, I., Wilkins, A., Lichtarge, O., Chi, P. H., Tseng, W. C., Linial, M., Rose, P. W., Dessimoz, C., Vidulin, V., Dzeroski, S., Sillitoe, I., Das, S., Lees, J. G., Jones, D. T., Wan, C., Cozzetto, D., Fa, R., Torres, M., Warwick Vesztrocy, A., Rodriguez, J. M., Tress, M. L., Frasca, M., Notaro, M., Grossi, G., Petrini, A., Re, M., Valentini, G., Mesiti, M., Roche, D. B., Reeb, J., Ritchie, D. W., Aridhi, S., Alborzi, S. Z., Devignes, M. D., Koo, D. C. E., Bonneau, R., Gligorijević, V., Barot, M., Fang, H., Toppo, S., Lavezzo, E., Falda, M., Berselli, M., Tosatto, S. C. E., Carraro, M., Piovesan, D., Ur Rehman, H., Mao, Q., Zhang, S., Vucetic, S., Black, G. S., Jo, D., Suh, E., Dayton, J. B., Larsen, D. J., Omdahl, A. R., McGuffin, L. J., Brackenridge, D. A., Babbitt, P. C., Yunes, J. M., Fontana, P., Zhang, F., Zhu, S., You, R., Zhang, Z., Dai, S., Yao, S., Tian, W., Cao, R., Chandler, C., Amezola, M., Johnson, D., Chang, J. M., Liao, W. H., Liu, Y. W., Pascarelli, S., Frank, Y., Hoehndorf, R., Kulmanov, M., Boudellioua, I., Politano, G., Di Carlo, S., Benso, A., Hakala, K., Ginter, F., Mehryary, F., Kaewphan, S., Björne, J., Moen, H., Tolvanen, M. E. E., Salakoski, T., Kihara, D., Jain, A., Šmuc, T., Altenhoff, A., Ben-Hur, A., Rost, B., Brenner, S. E., Orengo, C. A., Jeffery, C. J., Bosco, G., Hogan, D. A., Martin, M. J., O'Donovan, C., Mooney, S. D., Greene, C. S., Radivojac, P. & Friedberg, I., 19 Nov 2019, In: Genome Biology. 20, 1, 244.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    267 Scopus citations
  • 2018

    CellMap visualizes protein-protein interactions and subcellular localization

    Dallago, C., Goldberg, T., Andrade-Navarro, M. A., Alanis-Lobato, G. & Rost, B., 2018, In: F1000Research. 6, 1824.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    9 Scopus citations
  • Correcting mistakes in predicting distributions

    Marot-Lassauzaie, V., Bernhofer, M. & Rost, B., 1 Oct 2018, In: Bioinformatics. 34, 19, p. 3385-3386 2 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    4 Scopus citations
  • Dark Proteins Important for Cellular Function

    Schafferhans, A., O'Donoghue, S. I., Heinzinger, M. & Rost, B., Nov 2018, In: Proteomics. 18, 21-22, 1800227.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    5 Scopus citations
  • Evolutionary couplings and sequence variation effect predict protein binding sites

    Schelling, M., Hopf, T. A. & Rost, B., Oct 2018, In: Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics. 86, 10, p. 1064-1074 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    16 Scopus citations
  • HFSP: High speed homology-driven function annotation of proteins

    Mahlich, Y., Steinegger, M., Rost, B. & Bromberg, Y., 1 Jul 2018, In: Bioinformatics. 34, 13, p. i304-i312

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    19 Scopus citations
  • LocText: Relation extraction of protein localizations to assist database curation

    Cejuela, J. M., Vinchurkar, S., Goldberg, T., Prabhu Shankar, M. S., Baghudana, A., Bojchevski, A., Uhlig, C., Ofner, A., Raharja-Liu, P., Jensen, L. J. & Rost, B., 17 Jan 2018, In: BMC Bioinformatics. 19, 1, 15.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    17 Scopus citations
  • NLSdb-major update for database of nuclear localization signals and nuclear export signals

    Bernhofer, M., Goldberg, T., Wolf, S., Ahmed, M., Zaugg, J., Boden, M. & Rost, B., 1 Jan 2018, In: Nucleic Acids Research. 46, D1, p. D503-D508

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    62 Scopus citations
  • ProfPPIdb: Pairs of physical protein-protein interactions predicted for entire proteomes

    Tran, L., Hamp, T. & Rost, B., Jul 2018, In: PLoS ONE. 13, 7, e0199988.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    11 Scopus citations
  • Structure-based analysis of CysZ-mediated cellular uptake of sulfate

    Sanghai, Z. A., Liu, Q., Clarke, O. B., Belcher-Dufrisne, M., Wiriyasermkul, P., Giese, M. H., Leal-Pinto, E., Kloss, B., Tabuso, S., Love, J., Punta, M., Banerjee, S., Rajashankar, K. R., Rost, B., Logothetis, D., Quick, M., Hendrickson, W. A. & Mancia, F., 24 May 2018, In: eLife. 7, e27829.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    10 Scopus citations
  • Treatment-related features improve machine learning prediction of prognosis in soft tissue sarcoma patients

    Translated title of the contribution: Treatment-related features improve machine learning prediction of prognosis in soft tissue sarcoma patientsPeeken, J. C., Goldberg, T., Knie, C., Komboz, B., Bernhofer, M., Pasa, F., Kessel, K. A., Tafti, P. D., Rost, B., Nüsslin, F., Braun, A. E. & Combs, S. E., 1 Sep 2018, In: Strahlentherapie und Onkologie. 194, 9, p. 824-834 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    10 Scopus citations
  • 2017

    Bioinformatics advances biology and medicine by turning big data troves into knowledge

    Gagneur, J., Friedel, C., Heun, V., Zimmer, R. & Rost, B., 1 Apr 2017, In: Informatik-Spektrum. 40, 2, p. 153-160 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    2 Scopus citations
  • Common sequence variants affect molecular function more than rare variants?

    Mahlich, Y., Reeb, J., Hecht, M., Schelling, M., De Beer, T. A. P., Bromberg, Y. & Rost, B., 1 Dec 2017, In: Scientific Reports. 7, 1, 1608.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    14 Scopus citations
  • Discovery of numerous novel small genes in the intergenic regions of the Escherichia coli O157:H7 Sakai genome

    Hucker, S. M., Ardern, Z., Goldberg, T., Schafferhans, A., Bernhofer, M., Vestergaard, G., Nelson, C. W., Schloter, M., Rost, B., Scherer, S. & Neuhaus, K., Sep 2017, In: PLoS ONE. 12, 9, e0184119.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    21 Scopus citations
  • Nala: Text mining natural language mutation mentions

    Cejuela, J. M., Bojchevski, A., Uhlig, C., Bekmukhametov, R., Kumar Karn, S., Mahmuti, S., Baghudana, A., Dubey, A., Satagopam, V. P. & Rost, B., 15 Jun 2017, In: Bioinformatics. 33, 12, p. 1852-1858 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    16 Scopus citations
  • 2016

    An expanded evaluation of protein function prediction methods shows an improvement in accuracy

    Jiang, Y., Oron, T. R., Clark, W. T., Bankapur, A. R., D'Andrea, D., Lepore, R., Funk, C. S., Kahanda, I., Verspoor, K. M., Ben-Hur, A., Koo, D. C. E., Penfold-Brown, D., Shasha, D., Youngs, N., Bonneau, R., Lin, A., Sahraeian, S. M. E., Martelli, P. L., Profiti, G. & Casadio, R. & 127 others, Cao, R., Zhong, Z., Cheng, J., Altenhoff, A., Skunca, N., Dessimoz, C., Dogan, T., Hakala, K., Kaewphan, S., Mehryary, F., Salakoski, T., Ginter, F., Fang, H., Smithers, B., Oates, M., Gough, J., Törönen, P., Koskinen, P., Holm, L., Chen, C. T., Hsu, W. L., Bryson, K., Cozzetto, D., Minneci, F., Jones, D. T., Chapman, S., Bkc, D., Khan, I. K., Kihara, D., Ofer, D., Rappoport, N., Stern, A., Cibrian-Uhalte, E., Denny, P., Foulger, R. E., Hieta, R., Legge, D., Lovering, R. C., Magrane, M., Melidoni, A. N., Mutowo-Meullenet, P., Pichler, K., Shypitsyna, A., Li, B., Zakeri, P., ElShal, S., Tranchevent, L. C., Das, S., Dawson, N. L., Lee, D., Lees, J. G., Sillitoe, I., Bhat, P., Nepusz, T., Romero, A. E., Sasidharan, R., Yang, H., Paccanaro, A., Gillis, J., Sedeño-Cortés, A. E., Pavlidis, P., Feng, S., Cejuela, J. M., Goldberg, T., Hamp, T., Richter, L., Salamov, A., Gabaldon, T., Marcet-Houben, M., Supek, F., Gong, Q., Ning, W., Zhou, Y., Tian, W., Falda, M., Fontana, P., Lavezzo, E., Toppo, S., Ferrari, C., Giollo, M., Piovesan, D., Tosatto, S. C. E., del Pozo, A., Fernández, J. M., Maietta, P., Valencia, A., Tress, M. L., Benso, A., Di Carlo, S., Politano, G., Savino, A., Rehman, H. U., Re, M., Mesiti, M., Valentini, G., Bargsten, J. W., van Dijk, A. D. J., Gemovic, B., Glisic, S., Perovic, V., Veljkovic, V., Veljkovic, N., Almeida-e-Silva, D. C., Vencio, R. Z. N., Sharan, M., Vogel, J., Kansakar, L., Zhang, S., Vucetic, S., Wang, Z., Sternberg, M. J. E., Wass, M. N., Huntley, R. P., Martin, M. J., O'Donovan, C., Robinson, P. N., Moreau, Y., Tramontano, A., Babbitt, P. C., Brenner, S. E., Linial, M., Orengo, C. A., Rost, B., Greene, C. S., Mooney, S. D., Friedberg, I. & Radivojac, P., 7 Sep 2016, In: Genome Biology. 17, 1, 184.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    282 Scopus citations
  • Computational prediction shines light on type III secretion origins

    Goldberg, T., Rost, B. & Bromberg, Y., 7 Oct 2016, In: Scientific Reports. 6, 34516.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    33 Scopus citations
  • MSAViewer: Interactive JavaScript visualization of multiple sequence alignments

    Yachdav, G., Wilzbach, S., Rauscher, B., Sheridan, R., Sillitoe, I., Procter, J., Lewis, S. E., Rost, B. & Goldberg, T., 15 Nov 2016, In: Bioinformatics. 32, 22, p. 3501-3503 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    128 Scopus citations
  • Predicted Molecular Effects of Sequence Variants Link to System Level of Disease

    Reeb, J., Hecht, M., Mahlich, Y., Bromberg, Y. & Rost, B., Aug 2016, In: PLoS Computational Biology. 12, 8, e1005047.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    13 Scopus citations
  • Structural biology: Structures of aminoarabinose transferase ArnT suggest a molecular basis for lipid A glycosylation

    Petrou, V. I., Herrera, C. M., Schultz, K. M., Clarke, O. B., Vendome, J., Tomasek, D., Banerjee, S., Rajashankar, K. R., Dufrisne, M. B., Kloss, B., Kloppmann, E., Rost, B., Klug, C. S., Trent, M. S., Shapiro, L. & Mancia, F., 5 Feb 2016, In: Science. 351, 6273, p. 608-612 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    90 Scopus citations
  • Structure of the polyisoprenyl-phosphate glycosyltransferase GtrB and insights into the mechanism of catalysis

    Ardiccioni, C., Clarke, O. B., Tomasek, D., Issa, H. A., Von Alpen, D. C., Pond, H. L., Banerjee, S., Rajashankar, K. R., Liu, Q., Guan, Z., Li, C., Kloss, B., Bruni, R., Kloppmann, E., Rost, B., Manzini, M. C., Shapiro, L. & Mancia, F., 5 Jan 2016, In: Nature Communications. 7, 10175.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    30 Scopus citations
  • TMSEG: Novel prediction of transmembrane helices

    Bernhofer, M., Kloppmann, E., Reeb, J. & Rost, B., 1 Nov 2016, In: Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics. 84, 11, p. 1706-1716 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    37 Scopus citations
  • Tools and data services registry: A community effort to document bioinformatics resources

    Ison, J., Rapacki, K., Ménager, H., Kalaš, M., Rydza, E., Chmura, P., Anthon, C., Beard, N., Berka, K., Bolser, D., Booth, T., Bretaudeau, A., Brezovsky, J., Casadio, R., Cesareni, G., Coppens, F., Cornell, M., Cuccuru, G., Davidsen, K. & Della Vedova, G. & 49 others, Dogan, T., Doppelt-Azeroual, O., Emery, L., Gasteiger, E., Gatter, T., Goldberg, T., Grosjean, M., Gruüing, B., Helmer-Citterich, M., Ienasescu, H., Ioannidis, V., Jespersen, M. C., Jimenez, R., Juty, N., Juvan, P., Koch, M., Laibe, C., Li, J. W., Licata, L., Mareuil, F., Mičetić, I., Friborg, R. M., Moretti, S., Morris, C., Möller, S., Nenadic, A., Peterson, H., Profiti, G., Rice, P., Romano, P., Roncaglia, P., Saidi, R., Schafferhans, A., Schwämmle, V., Smith, C., Sperotto, M. M., Stockinger, H., Varěková, R. S., Tosatto, S. C. E., De La Torre, V., Uva, P., Via, A., Yachdav, G., Zambelli, F., Vriend, G., Rost, B., Parkinson, H., Løngreen, P. & Brunak, S., 4 Jan 2016, In: Nucleic Acids Research. 44, D1, p. D38-D47

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    111 Scopus citations
  • Translatomics combined with transcriptomics and proteomics reveals novel functional, recently evolved orphan genes in Escherichia coli O157: H7 (EHEC)

    Neuhaus, K., Landstorfer, R., Fellner, L., Simon, S., Schafferhans, A., Goldberg, T., Marx, H., Ozoline, O. N., Rost, B., Kuster, B., Keim, D. A. & Scherer, S., 24 Feb 2016, In: BMC Genomics. 17, 1, 133.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    27 Scopus citations
  • 2015

    A draft network of ligand-receptor-mediated multicellular signalling in human

    Ramilowski, J. A., Goldberg, T., Harshbarger, J., Kloppman, E., Lizio, M., Satagopam, V. P., Itoh, M., Kawaji, H., Carninci, P., Rost, B. & Forrest, A. R. R., 22 Jul 2015, In: Nature Communications. 6, 7866.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    534 Scopus citations
  • Anatomy of BioJS, an open source community for the life sciences

    Yachdav, G., Goldberg, T., Wilzbach, S., Dao, D., Shih, I., Choudhary, S., Crouch, S., Franz, M., García, A., García, L. J., Grüning, B. A., Inupakutika, D., Sillitoe, I., Thanki, A. S., Vieira, B., Villaveces, J. M., Schneider, M. V., Lewis, S., Pettifer, S. & Rost, B. & 1 others, Corpas, M., 8 Jun 2015, In: eLife. 4, JULY 2015, p. 1-7 7 p., e07009.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    21 Scopus citations
  • Better prediction of functional effects for sequence variants

    Hecht, M., Bromberg, Y. & Rost, B., 18 Jun 2015, In: BMC Genomics. 16, 8, S1.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    408 Scopus citations
  • Environmental pressure may change the composition protein disorder in prokaryotes

    Vicedo, E., Schlessinger, A. & Rost, B., 7 Aug 2015, In: PLoS ONE. 10, 8, e0133990.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    11 Scopus citations
  • Evaluation of transmembrane helix predictions in 2014

    Reeb, J., Kloppmann, E., Bernhofer, M. & Rost, B., 1 Mar 2015, In: Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics. 83, 3, p. 473-484 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    25 Scopus citations
  • Evolutionary profiles improve protein-protein interaction prediction from sequence

    Hamp, T. & Rost, B., 15 Jun 2015, In: Bioinformatics. 31, 12, p. 1945-1950 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    90 Scopus citations
  • ISCB Ebola Award for Important Future Research on the Computational Biology of Ebola Virus

    Karp, P. D., Berger, B., Kovats, D., Lengauer, T., Linial, M., Sabeti, P., Hide, W. & Rost, B., 1 Jan 2015, In: PLoS Computational Biology. 11, 1

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    3 Scopus citations
  • More challenges for machine-learning protein interactions

    Hamp, T. & Rost, B., 15 May 2015, In: Bioinformatics. 31, 10, p. 1521-1525 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    47 Scopus citations
  • Protein disorder reduced in Saccharomyces cerevisiae to survive heat shock

    Vicedo, E., Gasik, Z., Dong, Y. A., Goldberg, T. & Rost, B., 2015, In: F1000Research. 4, 1222.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    1 Scopus citations
  • Structure and activity of tryptophan-rich TSPO proteins

    Guo, Y., Kalathur, R. C., Liu, Q., Kloss, B., Bruni, R., Ginter, C., Kloppmann, E., Rost, B. & Hendrickson, W. A., 30 Jan 2015, In: Science. 347, 6221, p. 551-555 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    147 Scopus citations
  • Unexpected features of the dark proteome

    Perdigão, N., Heinrich, J., Stolte, C., Sabir, K. S., Buckley, M. J., Tabor, B., Signal, B., Gloss, B. S., Hammang, C. J., Rost, B., Schafferhans, A. & O'donoghue, S. I., 29 Dec 2015, In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 112, 52, p. 15898-15903 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    144 Scopus citations
  • 2014

    Co-expression and co-localization of hub proteins and their partners are encoded in protein sequence

    Feiglin, A., Ashkenazi, S., Schlessinger, A., Rost, B. & Ofran, Y., Apr 2014, In: Molecular BioSystems. 10, 4, p. 787-794 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    1 Scopus citations
  • FreeContact: Fast and free software for protein contact prediction from residue co-evolution

    Kaján, L., Hopf, T. A., Kalaš, M., Marks, D. S. & Rost, B., 26 Mar 2014, In: BMC Bioinformatics. 15, 1, 85.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    134 Scopus citations
  • HeatMapViewer: Interactive display of 2D data in biology

    Yachdav, G., Hecht, M., Pasmanik-Chor, M., Yeheskel, A. & Rost, B., 13 Feb 2014, In: F1000Research. 3, 48.v1.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    17 Scopus citations
  • LocTree3 prediction of localization

    Goldberg, T., Hecht, M., Hamp, T., Karl, T., Yachdav, G., Ahmed, N., Altermann, U., Angerer, P., Ansorge, S., Balasz, K., Bernhofer, M., Betz, A., Cizmadija, L., Do, K. T., Gerke, J., Greil, R., Joerdens, V., Hastreiter, M., Hembach, K. & Herzog, M. & 14 others, Kalemanov, M., Kluge, M., Meier, A., Nasir, H., Neumaier, U., Prade, V., Reeb, J., Sorokoumov, A., Troshani, I., Vorberg, S., Waldraff, S., Zierer, J., Nielsen, H. & Rost, B., 1 Jul 2014, In: Nucleic Acids Research. 42, W1, p. W350-W355

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    238 Scopus citations
  • PredictProtein - An open resource for online prediction of protein structural and functional features

    Yachdav, G., Kloppmann, E., Kajan, L., Hecht, M., Goldberg, T., Hamp, T., Hönigschmid, P., Schafferhans, A., Roos, M., Bernhofer, M., Richter, L., Ashkenazy, H., Punta, M., Schlessinger, A., Bromberg, Y., Schneider, R., Vriend, G., Sander, C., Ben-Tal, N. & Rost, B., 1 Jul 2014, In: Nucleic Acids Research. 42, W1, p. W337-W343

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    496 Scopus citations
  • Structural basis for a pH-sensitive calcium leak across membranes

    Chang, Y., Bruni, R., Kloss, B., Assur, Z., Kloppmann, E., Rost, B., Hendrickson, W. A. & Liu, Q., 2014, In: Science. 344, 6188, p. 1131-1135 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    77 Scopus citations
  • Structure and selectivity in bestrophin ion channels

    Yang, T., Liu, Q., Kloss, B., Bruni, R., Kalathur, R. C., Guo, Y., Kloppmann, E., Rost, B., Colecraft, H. M. & Hendrickson, W. A., 17 Oct 2014, In: Science. 346, 6207, p. 355-359 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    110 Scopus citations
  • Tagtog: Interactive and text-mining-assisted annotation of gene mentions in PLOS full-text articles

    Cejuela, J. M., McQuilton, P., Ponting, L., Marygold, S. J., Stefancsik, R., Millburn, G. H. & Rost, B., 2014, In: Database. 2014, bau033.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    58 Scopus citations
  • 2013

    Accelerating the Original Profile Kernel

    Hamp, T., Goldberg, T. & Rost, B., 18 Jun 2013, In: PLoS ONE. 8, 6, e68459.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    7 Scopus citations
  • A large-scale evaluation of computational protein function prediction

    Radivojac, P., Clark, W. T., Oron, T. R., Schnoes, A. M., Wittkop, T., Sokolov, A., Graim, K., Funk, C., Verspoor, K., Ben-Hur, A., Pandey, G., Yunes, J. M., Talwalkar, A. S., Repo, S., Souza, M. L., Piovesan, D., Casadio, R., Wang, Z., Cheng, J. & Fang, H. & 82 others, Gough, J., Koskinen, P., Törönen, P., Nokso-Koivisto, J., Holm, L., Cozzetto, D., Buchan, D. W. A., Bryson, K., Jones, D. T., Limaye, B., Inamdar, H., Datta, A., Manjari, S. K., Joshi, R., Chitale, M., Kihara, D., Lisewski, A. M., Erdin, S., Venner, E., Lichtarge, O., Rentzsch, R., Yang, H., Romero, A. E., Bhat, P., Paccanaro, A., Hamp, T., Kaßner, R., Seemayer, S., Vicedo, E., Schaefer, C., Achten, D., Auer, F., Boehm, A., Braun, T., Hecht, M., Heron, M., Hönigschmid, P., Hopf, T. A., Kaufmann, S., Kiening, M., Krompass, D., Landerer, C., Mahlich, Y., Roos, M., Björne, J., Salakoski, T., Wong, A., Shatkay, H., Gatzmann, F., Sommer, I., Wass, M. N., Sternberg, M. J. E., Škunca, N., Supek, F., Bošnjak, M., Panov, P., Džeroski, S., Šmuc, T., Kourmpetis, Y. A. I., Van Dijk, A. D. J., Ter Braak, C. J. F., Zhou, Y., Gong, Q., Dong, X., Tian, W., Falda, M., Fontana, P., Lavezzo, E., Di Camillo, B., Toppo, S., Lan, L., Djuric, N., Guo, Y., Vucetic, S., Bairoch, A., Linial, M., Babbitt, P. C., Brenner, S. E., Orengo, C., Rost, B., Mooney, S. D. & Friedberg, I., Mar 2013, In: Nature Methods. 10, 3, p. 221-227 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    715 Scopus citations
  • An estimated 5% of new protein structures solved today represent a new Pfam family

    Mistry, J., Kloppmann, E., Rost, B. & Punta, M., Nov 2013, In: Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography. 69, 11, p. 2186-2193 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    12 Scopus citations
  • Cloud prediction of protein structure and function with PredictProtein for Debian

    Kaján, L., Yachdav, G., Vicedo, E., Steinegger, M., Mirdita, M., Angermüller, C., Böhm, A., Domke, S., Ertl, J., Mertes, C., Reisinger, E., Staniewski, C. & Rost, B., 2013, In: BioMed Research International. 2013, 398968.

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    Hamp, T., Kassner, R., Seemayer, S., Vicedo, E., Schaefer, C., Achten, D., Auer, F., Boehm, A., Braun, T., Hecht, M., Heron, M., Hönigschmid, P., Hopf, T. A., Kaufmann, S., Kiening, M., Krompass, D., Landerer, C., Mahlich, Y., Roos, M. & Rost, B., 28 Feb 2013, In: BMC Bioinformatics. 14, SUPPL.3, S7.

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    39 Scopus citations
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    Rost, B., 15 Dec 2013, In: Bioinformatics. 29, 24, p. 3243-3245 3 p.

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    9 Scopus citations