1976 …2024

Research activity per year

Search results

  • 2024

    Disentangling new physics in K→πνν¯ and B→KK∗νν¯ observables

    Buras, A. J., Harz, J. & Mojahed, M. A., Oct 2024, In: Journal of High Energy Physics. 2024, 10, 87.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    3 Scopus citations
  • Open Access
  • 2023

    331 model predictions for rare B and K decays, and ∆F = 2 processes: an update

    Buras, A. J. & De Fazio, F., Apr 2023, In: Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 3, 219.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    2 Scopus citations
  • 50 Years of quantum chromodynamics: Introduction and Review

    Gross, F., Klempt, E., Brodsky, S. J., Buras, A. J., Burkert, V. D., Heinrich, G., Jakobs, K., Meyer, C. A., Orginos, K., Strickland, M., Stachel, J., Zanderighi, G., Brambilla, N., Braun-Munzinger, P., Britzger, D., Capstick, S., Cohen, T., Crede, V., Constantinou, M. & Davies, C. & 75 others, Del Debbio, L., Denig, A., DeTar, C., Deur, A., Dokshitzer, Y., Dosch, H. G., Dudek, J., Dunford, M., Epelbaum, E., Escobedo, M. A., Fritzsch, H., Fukushima, K., Gambino, P., Gillberg, D., Gottlieb, S., Grafstrom, P., Grazzini, M., Grube, B., Guskov, A., Iijima, T., Ji, X., Karsch, F., Kluth, S., Kogut, J. B., Krauss, F., Kumano, S., Leinweber, D., Leutwyler, H., Li, H. B., Li, Y., Malaescu, B., Mariotti, C., Maris, P., Marzani, S., Melnitchouk, W., Messchendorp, J., Meyer, H., Mitchell, R. E., Mondal, C., Nerling, F., Neubert, S., Pappagallo, M., Pastore, S., Peláez, J. R., Puckett, A., Qiu, J., Rabbertz, K., Ramos, A., Rossi, P., Rustamov, A., Schäfer, A., Scherer, S., Schindler, M., Schramm, S., Shifman, M., Shuryak, E., Sjöstrand, T., Sterman, G., Stewart, I. W., Stroth, J., Swanson, E., de Téramond, G. F., Thoma, U., Vairo, A., van Dyk, D., Vary, J., Virto, J., Vos, M., Weiss, C., Wobisch, M., Wu, S. L., Young, C., Yuan, F., Zhao, X. & Zhou, X., Dec 2023, In: European Physical Journal C. 83, 12, 1125.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    59 Scopus citations
  • Climbing NLO and NNLO summits of weak decays: 1988–2023

    Buras, A. J., 22 Jun 2023, In: Physics Reports. 1025, p. 1-64 64 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    1 Scopus citations
  • Kaon physics without new physics in εK

    Aebischer, J., Buras, A. J. & Kumar, J., May 2023, In: European Physical Journal C. 83, 5, 368.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    1 Scopus citations
  • Simple rules for evanescent operators in one-loop basis transformations

    Aebischer, J., Buras, A. J. & Kumar, J., 1 Apr 2023, In: Physical Review D. 107, 7, 075007.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    8 Scopus citations
  • Standard Model Predictions for Rare K and B Decays without |Vcb| and |Vub| Uncertainties

    Buras, A. J. & Venturini, E., 16 Jun 2023, In: Proceedings of Science. 411, 094.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

  • Standard Model predictions for rare K and B decays without new physics infection

    Buras, A. J., Jan 2023, In: European Physical Journal C. 83, 1, 66.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    25 Scopus citations
  • ϵ'/ϵ in the Standard Model and Beyond: 2021

    Buras, A. J., 16 Jun 2023, In: Proceedings of Science. 411, 090.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

  • 2022

    NLO QCD renormalization group evolution for nonleptonic Δf=2 transitions in the SMEFT

    Aebischer, J., Buras, A. J. & Kumar, J., 1 Aug 2022, In: Physical Review D. 106, 3, 035003.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    6 Scopus citations
  • On the superiority of the | Vcb| - γ plots over the unitarity triangle plots in the 2020s

    Buras, A. J., Jul 2022, In: European Physical Journal C. 82, 7, 612.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    5 Scopus citations

    Buras, A. J. & Venturini, E., 2022, In: Acta Physica Polonica B. 53, 6, A2.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    23 Scopus citations
  • The exclusive vision of rare K and B decays and of the quark mixing in the standard model

    Buras, A. J. & Venturini, E., Jul 2022, In: European Physical Journal C. 82, 7, 615.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    29 Scopus citations
  • 2021

    BSM master formula for ε′/ε in the WET basis at NLO in QCD

    Aebischer, J., Bobeth, C., Buras, A. J. & Kumar, J., Dec 2021, In: Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021, 12, 43.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    9 Scopus citations
  • General non-leptonic ∆F = 1 WET at the NLO in QCD

    Aebischer, J., Bobeth, C., Buras, A. J., Kumar, J. & Misiak, M., Nov 2021, In: Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021, 11, 227.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    12 Scopus citations
  • Global analysis of leptophilic Z′ bosons

    Buras, A. J., Crivellin, A., Kirk, F., Manzari, C. A. & Montull, M., Jun 2021, In: Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021, 6, 68.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    54 Scopus citations
  • Searching for new physics with b(bs;d → μ μ)=δms;d

    Bobeth, C. & Buras, A. J., 2021, In: Acta Physica Polonica B. 52, 10, p. 1189-1207 19 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    12 Scopus citations
  • The charm of 331

    Buras, A. J., Colangelo, P., De Fazio, F. & Loparco, F., Oct 2021, In: Journal of High Energy Physics. 2021, 10, 21.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    14 Scopus citations
  • The ε0/ε-story: 1976-2021

    Buras, A. J., 2021, In: Acta Physica Polonica B. 52, 1, p. 7-41 35 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    11 Scopus citations
  • 2020

    Another SMEFT story: Z′ facing new results on ε′/ε, ∆MK and K → πνν¯

    Aebischer, J., Buras, A. J. & Kumar, J., Dec 2020, In: Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020, 12, 97.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    19 Scopus citations
  • Erratum: The Belle II Physics Book (Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (2019) 2019 (123C01) DOI: 10.1093/ptep/ptz106)

    Kou, E., Urquijo, P., Altmannshofer, W., Beaujean, F., Bell, G., Beneke, M., Bigi, I. I., Bishara, F., Blanke, M., Bobeth, C., Bona, M., Brambilla, N., Braun, V. M., Brod, J., Buras, A. J., Cheng, H. Y., Chiang, C. W., Ciuchini, M., Colangelo, G. & Crivellin, A. & 519 others, Czyz, H., Datta, A., De Fazio, F., Deppisch, T., Dolan, M. J., Evans, J., Fajfer, S., Feldmann, T., Godfrey, S., Gronau, M., Grossman, Y., Guo, F. K., Haisch, U., Hanhart, C., Hashimoto, S., Hirose, S., Hisano, J., Hofer, L., Hoferichter, M., Hou, W. S., Huber, T., Hurth, T., Jaeger, S., Jahn, S., Jamin, M., Jones, J., Jung, M., Kagan, A. L., Kahlhoefer, F., Kamenik, J. F., Kaneko, T., Kiyo, Y., Kokulu, A., Kosnik, N., Kronfeld, A. S., Ligeti, Z., Logan, H., Lu, C. D., Lubicz, V., Mahmoudi, F., Maltman, K., Mishima, S., Misiak, M., Moats, K., Moussallam, B., Nefediev, A., Nierste, U., Nomura, D., Offen, N., Olsen, S. L., Passemar, E., Paul, A., Paz, G., Petrov, A. A., Pich, A., Polosa, A. D., Pradler, J., Prelovsek, S., Procura, M., Ricciardi, G., Robinson, D. J., Roig, P., Rosiek, J., Schacht, S., Schmidt-Hoberg, K., Schwichtenberg, J., Sharpe, S. R., Shigemitsu, J., Shih, D., Shimizu, N., Shimizu, Y., Silvestrini, L., Simula, S., Smith, C., Stoffer, P., Straub, D., Tackmann, F. J., Tanaka, M., Tayduganov, A., Tetlalmatzi-Xolocotzi, G., Teubner, T., Vairo, A., Van Dyk, D., Virto, J., Was, Z., Watanabe, R., Watson, I., Westhoff, S., Zupan, J., Zwicky, R., Abudinén, F., Adachi, I., Adamczyk, K., Ahlburg, P., Aihara, H., Aloisio, A., Andricek, L., Anh Ky, N., Arndt, M., Asner, D. M., Atmacan, H., Aushev, T., Aushev, V., Ayad, R., Aziz, T., Baehr, S., Bahinipati, S., Bambade, P., Ban, Y., Barrett, M., Baudot, J., Behera, P., Belous, K., Bender, M., Bennett, J., Berger, M., Bernieri, E., Bernlochner, F. U., Bessner, M., Besson, D., Bettarini, S., Bhardwaj, V., Bhuyan, B., Bilka, T., Bilmis, S., Bilokin, S., Bonvicini, G., Bozek, A., Bračko, M., Branchini, P., Braun, N., Briere, R. A., Browder, T. E., Burmistrov, L., Bussino, S., Cao, L., Caria, G., Casarosa, G., Cecchi, C., Červenkov, D., Chang, M. C., Chang, P., Cheaib, R., Chekelian, V., Chen, Y., Cheon, B. G., Chilikin, K., Cho, K., Choi, J., Choi, S. K., Choudhury, S., Cinabro, D., Cremaldi, L. M., Cuesta, D., Cunliffe, S., Dash, N., De La Cruz Burelo, E., De Lucia, E., De Nardo, G., De Nuccio, M., De Pietro, G., De Yta Hernandez, A., Deschamps, B., Destefanis, M., Dey, S., Di Capua, F., Di Carlo, S., Dingfelder, J., Doležal, Z., Domínguez Jiménez, I., Dong, T. V., Dossett, D., Duell, S., Eidelman, S., Epifanov, D., Fast, J. E., Ferber, T., Fiore, S., Fodor, A., Forti, F., Frey, A., Frost, O., Fulsom, B. G., Gabriel, M., Gabyshev, N., Ganiev, E., Gao, X., Gao, B., Garg, R., Garmash, A., Gaur, V., Gaz, A., Geßler, T., Gebauer, U., Gelb, M., Gellrich, A., Getzkow, D., Giordano, R., Giri, A., Glazov, A., Gobbo, B., Godang, R., Gogota, O., Goldenzweig, P., Golob, B., Gradl, W., Graziani, E., Greco, M., Greenwald, D., Gribanov, S., Guan, Y., Guido, E., Guo, A., Halder, S., Hara, K., Hartbrich, O., Hauth, T., Hayasaka, K., Hayashii, H., Hearty, C., Heredia De La Cruz, I., Hernandez Villanueva, M., Hershenhorn, A., Higuchi, T., Hoek, M., Hollitt, S., Hong Van, N. T., Hsu, C. L., Hu, Y., Huang, K., Iijima, T., Inami, K., Inguglia, G., Ishikawa, A., Itoh, R., Iwasaki, Y., Iwasaki, M., Jackson, P., Jacobs, W. W., Jaegle, I., Jeon, H. B., Ji, X., Jia, S., Jin, Y., Joo, C., Künzel, M., Kadenko, I., Kahn, J., Kakuno, H., Kaliyar, A. B., Kandra, J., Kang, K. H., Kato, Y., Kawasaki, T., Ketter, C., Khasmidatul, M., Kichimi, H., Kim, J. B., Kim, K. T., Kim, H. J., Kim, D. Y., Kim, K., Kim, Y., Kimmel, T. D., Kindo, H., Kinoshita, K., Konno, T., Korobov, A., Korpar, S., Kotchetkov, D., Kowalewski, R., Križan, P., Kroeger, R., Krohn, J. F., Krokovny, P., Kuehn, W., Kuhr, T., Kulasiri, R., Kumar, M., Kumar, R., Kumita, T., Kuzmin, A., Kwon, Y. J., Lacaprara, S., Lai, Y. T., Lalwani, K., Lange, J. S., Lee, S. C., Lee, J. Y., Leitl, P., Levit, D., Levonian, S., Li, S., Li, L. K., Li, Y., Li, Y. B., Li, Q., Li Gioi, L., Libby, J., Liptak, Z., Liventsev, D., Longo, S., Loos, A., Lopez Castro, G., Lubej, M., Lueck, T., Luetticke, F., Luo, T., Müller, F., Müller, T., Macqueen, C., Maeda, Y., Maggiora, M., Maity, S., Manoni, E., Marcello, S., Marinas, C., Martinez Hernandez, M., Martini, A., Matvienko, D., Mckenna, J. A., Meier, F., Merola, M., Metzner, F., Miller, C., Miyabayashi, K., Miyake, H., Miyata, H., Mizuk, R., Mohanty, G. B., Moon, H. K., Moon, T., Morda, A., Morii, T., Mrvar, M., Muroyama, G., Mussa, R., Nakamura, I., Nakano, T., Nakao, M., Nakayama, H., Nakazawa, H., Nanut, T., Naruki, M., Nath, K. J., Nayak, M., Nellikunnummel, N., Neverov, D., Niebuhr, C., Ninkovic, J., Nishida, S., Nishimura, K., Nouxman, M., Nowak, G., Ogawa, K., Onishchuk, Y., Ono, H., Onuki, Y., Pakhlov, P., Pakhlova, G., Pal, B., Paoloni, E., Park, H., Park, C. S., Paschen, B., Passeri, A., Paul, S., Pedlar, T. K., Perelló, M., Peruzzi, I. M., Pestotnik, R., Piilonen, L. E., Podesta Lerma, L., Popov, V., Prasanth, K., Prencipe, E., Prim, M., Purohit, M. V., Rabusov, A., Rasheed, R., Reiter, S., Remnev, M., Resmi, P. K., Ripp-Baudot, I., Ritter, M., Ritzert, M., Rizzo, G., Rizzuto, L., Robertson, S. H., Rodriguez Perez, D., Roney, J. M., Rosenfeld, C., Rostomyan, A., Rout, N., Rummel, S., Russo, G., Sahoo, D., Sakai, Y., Salehi, M., Sanders, D. A., Sandilya, S., Sangal, A., Santelj, L., Sasaki, J., Sato, Y., Savinov, V., Scavino, B., Schram, M., Schreeck, H., Schueler, J., Schwanda, C., Schwartz, A. J., Seddon, R. M., Seino, Y., Senyo, K., Seon, O., Seong, I. S., Sevior, M. E., Sfienti, C., Shapkin, M., Shen, C. P., Shimomura, M., Shiu, J. G., Shwartz, B., Sibidanov, A., Simon, F., Singh, J. B., Sinha, R., Skambraks, S., Smith, K., Sobie, R. J., Soffer, A., Sokolov, A., Solovieva, E., Spruck, B., Stanič, S., Starič, M., Starinsky, N., Stolzenberg, U., Stottler, Z., Stroili, R., Strube, J. F., Stypula, J., Sumihama, M., Sumisawa, K., Sumiyoshi, T., Summers, D., Sutcliffe, W., Suzuki, S. Y., Tabata, M., Takahashi, M., Takizawa, M., Tamponi, U., Tan, J., Tanaka, S., Tanida, K., Taniguchi, N., Tao, Y., Taras, P., Tejeda Munoz, G., Tenchini, F., Tippawan, U., Torassa, E., Trabelsi, K., Tsuboyama, T., Uchida, M., Uehara, S., Uglov, T., Unno, Y., Uno, S., Ushiroda, Y., Usov, Y., Vahsen, S. E., Van Tonder, R., Varner, G., Varvell, K. E., Vinokurova, A., Vitale, L., Vos, M., Vossen, A., Waheed, E., Wakeling, H., Wan, K., Wang, M. Z., Wang, X. L., Wang, B., Warburton, A., Webb, J., Wehle, S., Wessel, C., Wiechczynski, J., Wieduwilt, P., Won, E., Xu, Q., Xu, X., Yabsley, B. D., Yamada, S., Yamamoto, H., Yan, W., Yan, W., Yang, S. B., Ye, H., Yeo, I., Yin, J. H., Yonenaga, M., Yoshinobu, T., Yuan, W., Yuan, C. Z., Yusa, Y., Zakharov, S., Zani, L., Zeyrek, M., Zhang, J., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y., Zhou, X., Zhukova, V., Zhulanov, V. & Zupanc, A., 28 Feb 2020, In: Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics. 2020, 2, 029201.

    Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate

    Open Access
    198 Scopus citations
  • 48 Scopus citations
  • Isospin-breaking in ε/ ε: impact of η at the dawn of the 2020s

    Buras, A. J. & Gérard, J. M., 1 Aug 2020, In: European Physical Journal C. 80, 8, 701.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    10 Scopus citations
  • On the importance of NNLO QCD and isospin-breaking corrections in ε/ ε

    Aebischer, J., Bobeth, C. & Buras, A. J., 1 Jan 2020, In: European Physical Journal C. 80, 1, 1.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    66 Scopus citations
  • Quark-lepton connections in Z′ mediated FCNC processes: gauge anomaly cancellations at work

    Aebischer, J., Buras, A. J., Cerdà-Sevilla, M. & De Fazio, F., 1 Feb 2020, In: Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020, 2, 183.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    15 Scopus citations
  • SMEFT atlas of ∆F = 2 transitions

    Aebischer, J., Bobeth, C., Buras, A. J. & Kumar, J., Dec 2020, In: Journal of High Energy Physics. 2020, 12, 187.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    44 Scopus citations
  • The Optimal Strategy for ϵ /ϵ in the SM: 2019

    Buras, A. J., 2 Jun 2020, In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1526, 1, 012019.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    2 Scopus citations
  • ε/ ε in the Standard Model at the Dawn of the 2020s

    Aebischer, J., Bobeth, C. & Buras, A. J., 1 Aug 2020, In: European Physical Journal C. 80, 8, 705.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    30 Scopus citations
  • 2019

    Anatomy of ε / ε beyond the standard model

    Aebischer, J., Bobeth, C., Buras, A. J. & Straub, D. M., 1 Mar 2019, In: European Physical Journal C. 79, 3, 219.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    33 Scopus citations
  • BSM hadronic matrix elements for ε /ε and K → ππ decays in the Dual QCD approach

    Aebischer, J., Buras, A. J. & Gérard, J. M., 1 Feb 2019, In: Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019, 2, 21.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    24 Scopus citations
  • Dual QCD insight into BSM hadronic matrix elements for K 0 –K ¯ 0 mixing from lattice QCD

    Buras, A. J. & Gérard, J. M., Feb 2019, In: Acta Physica Polonica B. 50, 2, p. 121-140 20 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    17 Scopus citations
  • Emerging Δ M d -anomaly from tree-level determinations of | V cb | and the angle γ

    Blanke, M. & Buras, A. J., 1 Feb 2019, In: European Physical Journal C. 79, 2, 159.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    26 Scopus citations
  • Master formula for ε /ε beyond the Standard Model

    Aebischer, J., Bobeth, C., Buras, A. J., Gérard, J. M. & Straub, D. M., 10 May 2019, In: Physics Letters B. 792, p. 465-469 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    29 Scopus citations
  • The Belle II physics book

    Kou, E., Urquijo, P., Altmannshofer, W., Beaujean, F., Bell, G., Beneke, M., Bigi, I. I., Bishara, F., Blanke, M., Bobeth, C., Bona, M., Brambilla, N., Braun, V. M., Brod, J., Buras, A. J., Cheng, H. Y., Chiang, C. W., Ciuchini, M., Colangelo, G. & Crivellin, A. & 519 others, Czyz, H., Datta, A., De Fazio, F., Deppisch, T., Dolan, M. J., Evans, J., Fajfer, S., Feldmann, T., Godfrey, S., Gronau, M., Grossman, Y., Guo, F. K., Haisch, U., Hanhart, C., Hashimoto, S., Hirose, S., Hisano, J., Hofer, L., Hoferichter, M., Hou, W. S., Huber, T., Hurth, T., Jaeger, S., Jahn, S., Jamin, M., Jones, J., Jung, M., Kagan, A. L., Kahlhoefer, F., Kamenik, J. F., Kaneko, T., Kiyo, Y., Kokulu, A., Kosnik, N., Kronfeld, A. S., Ligeti, Z., Logan, H., Lu, C. D., Lubicz, V., Mahmoudi, F., Maltman, K., Mishima, S., Misiak, M., Moats, K., Moussallam, B., Nefediev, A., Nierste, U., Nomura, D., Offen, N., Olsen, S. L., Passemar, E., Paul, A., Paz, G., Petrov, A. A., Pich, A., Polosa, A. D., Pradler, J., Prelovsek, S., Procura, M., Ricciardi, G., Robinson, D. J., Roig, P., Rosiek, J., Schacht, S., Schmidt-Hoberg, K., Schwichtenberg, J., Sharpe, S. R., Shigemitsu, J., Shih, D., Shimizu, N., Shimizu, Y., Silvestrini, L., Simula, S., Smith, C., Stoffer, P., Straub, D., Tackmann, F. J., Tanaka, M., Tayduganov, A., Tetlalmatzi-Xolocotzi, G., Teubner, T., Vairo, A., van Dyk, D., Virto, J., Was, Z., Watanabe, R., Watson, I., Westhoff, S., Zupan, J., Zwicky, R., Abudinén, F., Adachi, I., Adamczyk, K., Ahlburg, P., Aihara, H., Aloisio, A., Andricek, L., Anh Ky, N., Arndt, M., Asner, D. M., Atmacan, H., Aushev, T., Aushev, V., Ayad, R., Aziz, T., Baehr, S., Bahinipati, S., Bambade, P., Ban, Y., Barrett, M., Baudot, J., Behera, P., Belous, K., Bender, M., Bennett, J., Berger, M., Bernieri, E., Bernlochner, F. U., Bessner, M., Besson, D., Bettarini, S., Bhardwaj, V., Bhuyan, B., Bilka, T., Bilmis, S., Bilokin, S., Bonvicini, G., Bozek, A., Bračko, M., Branchini, P., Braun, N., Briere, R. A., Browder, T. E., Burmistrov, L., Bussino, S., Cao, L., Caria, G., Casarosa, G., Cecchi, C., Cervenkov, D., Chang, M. C., Chang, P., Cheaib, R., Chekelian, V., Chen, Y., Cheon, B. G., Chilikin, K., Cho, K., Choi, J., Choi, S. K., Choudhury, S., Cinabro, D., Cremaldi, L. M., Cuesta, D., Cunliffe, S., Dash, N., de la Cruz Burelo, E., de Lucia, E., De Nardo, G., De Nuccio, M., De Pietro, G., De Yta Hernandez, A., Deschamps, B., Destefanis, M., Dey, S., DiCapua, F., DiCarlo, S., Dingfelder, J., Doleẑal, Z., Domínguez Jiménez, I., Dong, T. V., Dossett, D., Duell, S., Eidelman, S., Epifanov, D., Fast, J. E., Ferber, T., Fiore, S., Fodor, A., Forti, F., Frey, A., Frost, O., Fulsom, B. G., Gabriel, M., Gabyshev, N., Ganiev, E., Gao, X., Gao, B., Garg, R., Garmash, A., Gaur, V., Gaz, A., Geßler, T., Gebauer, U., Gelb, M., Gellrich, A., Getzkow, D., Giordano, R., Giri, A., Glazov, A., Gobbo, B., Godang, R., Gogota, O., Goldenzweig, P., Golob, B., Gradl, W., Graziani, E., Greco, M., Greenwald, D., Gribanov, S., Guan, Y., Guido, E., Guo, A., Halder, S., Hara, K., Hartbrich, O., Hauth, T., Hayasaka, K., Hayashii, H., Hearty, C., Heredia De La Cruz, I., Hernandez Villanueva, M., Hershenhorn, A., Higuchi, T., Hoek, M., Hollitt, S., Hong Van, N. T., Hsu, C. L., Hu, Y., Huang, K., Iijima, T., Inami, K., Inguglia, G., Ishikawa, A., Itoh, R., Iwasaki, Y., Iwasaki, M., Jackson, P., Jacobs, W. W., Jaegle, I., Jeon, H. B., Ji, X., Jia, S., Jin, Y., Joo, C., Künzel, M., Kadenko, I., Kahn, J., Kakuno, H., Kaliyar, A. B., Kandra, J., Kang, K. H., Kato, Y., Kawasaki, T., Ketter, C., Khasmidatul, M., Kichimi, H., Kim, J. B., Kim, K. T., Kim, H. J., Kim, D. Y., Kim, K., Kim, Y., Kimmel, T. D., Kindo, H., Kinoshita, K., Konno, T., Korobov, A., Korpar, S., Kotchetkov, D., Kowalewski, R., Križan, P., Kroeger, R., Krohn, J. F., Krokovny, P., Kuehn, W., Kuhr, T., Kulasiri, R., Kumar, M., Kumar, R., Kumita, T., Kuzmin, A., Kwon, Y. J., Lacaprara, S., Lai, Y. T., Lalwani, K., Lange, J. S., Lee, S. C., Lee, J. Y., Leitl, P., Levit, D., Levonian, S., Li, S., Li, L. K., Li, Y., Li, Y. B., Li, Q., Li Gioi, L., Libby, J., Liptak, Z., Liventsev, D., Longo, S., Loos, A., Lopez Castro, G., Lubej, M., Lueck, T., Luetticke, F., Luo, T., Müller, F., Müller, T., MacQueen, C., Maeda, Y., Maggiora, M., Maity, S., Manoni, E., Marcello, S., Marinas, C., Martinez Hernandez, M., Martini, A., Matvienko, D., McKenna, J. A., Meier, F., Merola, M., Metzner, F., Miller, C., Miyabayashi, K., Miyake, H., Miyata, H., Mizuk, R., Mohanty, G. B., Moon, H. 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E., van Tonder, R., Varner, G., Varvell, K. E., Vinokurova, A., Vitale, L., Vos, M., Vossen, A., Waheed, E., Wakeling, H., Wan, K., Wang, M. Z., Wang, X. L., Wang, B., Warburton, A., Webb, J., Wehle, S., Wessel, C., Wiechczynski, J., Wieduwilt, P., Won, E., Xu, Q., Xu, X., Yabsley, B. D., Yamada, S., Yamamoto, H., Yan, W., Yan, W., Yang, S. B., Ye, H., Yeo, I., Yin, J. H., Yonenaga, M., Yoshinobu, T., Yuan, W., Yuan, C. Z., Yusa, Y., Zakharov, S., Zani, L., Zeyrek, M., Zhang, J., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y., Zhou, X., Zhukova, V., Zhulanov, V. & Zupanc, A., Dec 2019, In: Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics. 2019, 12, 4329.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    564 Scopus citations
  • 2018

    Analytic inclusion of the scale dependence of the anomalous dimension matrix in standard model effective theory

    Buras, A. J. & Jung, M., 2018, In: Journal of High Energy Physics. 2018, 6, 67.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    9 Scopus citations
  • K → ππ and K − π matrix elements of the chromomagnetic operators from Dual QCD

    Buras, A. J. & Gérard, J. M., 1 Jul 2018, In: Journal of High Energy Physics. 2018, 7, 126.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    20 Scopus citations
  • Leptoquarks meet ε /ε and rare Kaon processes

    Bobeth, C. & Buras, A. J., 1 Feb 2018, In: Journal of High Energy Physics. 2018, 2, 101.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    70 Scopus citations
  • The dual qcd @ work: 2018

    Buras, A. J., 14 Nov 2018, QCD@Work 2018 - International Workshop on Quantum Chromodynamics - Theory and Experiment. Bruno, G. E., Nappi, E., Colangelo, P., Creanza, D. M., Chiodini, G., Coriano, C. & De Fazio, F. (eds.). EDP Sciences, 00048. (EPJ Web of Conferences; vol. 192).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

    Open Access
    3 Scopus citations
  • The return of kaon flavour physics

    Buras, A. J., Jun 2018, In: Acta Physica Polonica B. 49, 6, p. 1043-1078 36 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    17 Scopus citations
  • 2017

    Final state interactions in K→ ππ decays: Δ I= 1 / 2 rule vs. ε/ ε

    Buras, A. J. & Gérard, J. M., 1 Jan 2017, In: European Physical Journal C. 77, 1, 10.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    50 Scopus citations
  • Kaon Flavour Physics Strikes Back

    Buras, A. J., 23 Mar 2017, In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 800, 1, 012001.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    2 Scopus citations
  • Patterns of flavour violation in models with vector-like quarks

    Bobeth, C., Buras, A. J., Celis, A. & Jung, M., 1 Apr 2017, In: Journal of High Energy Physics. 2017, 4, 79.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    82 Scopus citations
  • Yukawa enhancement of Z-mediated new physics in ∆S = 2 and ∆B = 2 processes

    Bobeth, C., Buras, A. J., Celis, A. & Jung, M., 1 Jul 2017, In: Journal of High Energy Physics. 2017, 7, 124.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    44 Scopus citations
  • 2016
    Open Access
    68 Scopus citations
  • Flavour physics: Status and perspectives

    Buras, A. J., 1 Jan 2016, In: Annalen der Physik. 528, 1-2, p. 96-101 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    1 Scopus citations
  • New physics patterns in ε′/ε and εK with implications for rare kaon decays and ∆MK

    Buras, A. J., 1 Apr 2016, In: Journal of High Energy Physics. 2016, 4, 71.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    56 Scopus citations
  • Quark flavour observables in the Littlest Higgs model with T-parity after LHC Run 1

    Blanke, M., Buras, A. J. & Recksiegel, S., 1 Apr 2016, In: European Physical Journal C. 76, 4, 182.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    99 Scopus citations
  • The renaissance of kaon flavour physics

    Buras, A. J., 2016, In: Proceedings of Science. 2-6-May-2016, 032.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

  • The Revival of Kaon Flavour Physics

    Buras, A. J., 25 Nov 2016, QCD at Work 2016 - International Workshop on Quantum Chromodynamics - Theory and Experiment. De Fazio, F., Colangelo, P., Coriano, C., Bruno, G. E., Chiodini, G., Nappi, E., Spagnolo, S. & Creanza, D. M. (eds.). EDP Sciences, 00050. (EPJ Web of Conferences; vol. 129).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

    Open Access
    2 Scopus citations