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Associate Professorship of Entrepreneurial Behavior
Department of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Organizational unit: CoP
Associate Professorship of Analytical Chemistry (2008 — 2024)
Organizational unit: CoP
Assistant Professorship of Biomolecular Cryo-Electron Microscopy
Organizational unit: CoP
Chair of Molecular Mechanisms of Metabolism
Weitere Lehrstühle und Professuren Clinical Medicine
Organizational unit: CoP
Assistant Professorship of Imaging and Biomarkers in Oncology
Department of Nuclear Medicine
Organizational unit: CoP
Abteilung für Klinische Toxikologie
Department of Internal Medicine II - Gastroenterology
Organizational unit: OE
Chair of Experimental Oncology and Therapy Research
Department of Clinical Medicine
Organizational unit: CoP
Associate Professorship of Audio Information Processing
Department of Computer Engineering
Organizational unit: CoP
Associate Professorship of Department of Interventional Radiology
Organizational unit: CoP
Chair of Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Department of Operations and Technology
Organizational unit: CoP
Assistant Professorship of Computer Science Education
Department of Educational Sciences
Organizational unit: CoP
Assistant Professorship of Forest Operation (2014 — 2021)
Department of Life Science Engineering
Organizational unit: CoP
Chair of Sustainable Mobile Drivetrains
Department of Mobility Systems Engineering
Organizational unit: CoP
Assistant Professorship of Big Geospatial Data Management
Department of Aerospace and Geodesy
Organizational unit: CoP
Chair of Neuronal Cell Biology
Institute of Cell Biology of the Nervous System
Organizational unit: CoP
Chair of Orthopedics and Sports Orthopedics
Department of Orthopedics and Sports Orthopedics
Organizational unit: CoP
Chair of Construction Management
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Organizational unit: CoP
Department of Computer Science
Computation, Information and Technology
Organizational unit: Department
Associate Professorship of Internal Medicine
Clinic for Heart and Vascular Diseases
Organizational unit: CoP