- Technical University of Munich
- Schools
- Computation, Information and Technology
- CIT School Central
- Department of Mathematics
- Chair of Algebraic Geometry
- Chair of Algorithmic Algebra
- Chair of Analysis and Modelling
- Chair of Geometry
- Chair of Mathematical Quantum Physics
- Associate Professorship of Geometry I
- Chair of Applied Numerical Analysis
- Chair of Arithmetic Algebra
- Chair of Representation Theory
- Associate Professorship of Applied Mathematical Statistics
- Associate Professorship of Applied Topology and Geometry
- Assistant Professorship of Applied Algebra
- Chair of Mathematical Finance
- Associate Professorship of Biostatistics
- Associate Professorship of Discrete Mathematics
- Associate Professorship of Dynamic Systems
- Chair of Geometry and Visualization
- Assistant Professorship of Mathematical Finance
- Chair of Global Analysis
- Chair of Advanced Mathematics and Analytical Mechanics
- Chair of Mathematical Modelling of Biological Systems
- Assistant Profesorship of Cryptography
- Chair of Mathematical Optimization
- Associate Professorship of Mathematics in Life Sciences
- Chair of Mathematical physics
- Chair of Mathematical Statistics
- Chair of Multiscale and Stochastic Dynamics
- Chair of Numerical Analysis
- Chair of Numerical Mathematics and Control Theory
- Associate Professorship of Mathematical Continuum Mechanics
- Associate Professorship of Applied Mathematics in Ecology and Medicine
- Chair of Numerical Methods in Plasma Physics
- Chair of Optimal Control
- Associate Professorship of Numerics of Complex Systems
- Associate Professorship of Numerics for Partial Differential Equations
- Chair of Probability Theory
- Associate Professorship of Optimization and Data Analysis
- Chair of Scientific Computing
- Associate Professorship of Risk and Insurance
- Associate Professorship of Stochastic Processes
- Associate Professorship of Theory of Complex Quantum Systems
- Assistant Professorship of Topology
- Associate Professorship of Probability Theory
- Associate Professorship of Scientific Computing and Uncertainty Quantification
- Chair of Resource Aware Machine Learning
- Former organisations of the Department of Mathematics
- Department of Computer Science
- Informatics 1 - Chair of Distributed Systems and Operating Systems
- Informatics 1 - Assistant Professorship of Digital Health
- Informatics 2 - Chair of Formal Languages, Compiler Construction, Software Construction
- Informatics 3 - Chair of database systems
- Informatics 3 - Assistant Professorship of Database Systems
- Informatics 4 - Chair of Software and Systems Engineering (2008 — 2022)
- Informatics 4 - Chair of Software und Systems Engineering
- Informatics 4 - Assistant Professorship of Software Engineering for Data-intensive Applications
- Informatics 5 - Chair of Scientific Computing
- Informatics 5 - Associate Professorship of Hardware-aware algorithms and software for HPC
- Informatics 5 - Assistant Professorship of Quantum Computing
- Informatics 7 - Chair of Theoretical Computer Science
- Informatics 7 - Associate Professorship of Formal Methods for Software Reliability
- Informatics 7 - Assistant Professorship of Theoretical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
- Informatics 9 - Chair of Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence
- Informatics 9 - Assistant Professorship of Dynamic Vision and Learning
- Informatics 11 - Chair of Applied Informatics - Cooperative Systems
- Informatics 11 - Associate Professorship of Applied Informatics - Cooperative Systems
- Informatics 12 - Chair of Bioinformatics
- Informatics 13 - Chair of Decentralized Information Systems and Data Management
- Informatics 14 - Chair of efficient algorithms
- Informatics 14 - Chair of Algorithms and Complexity
- Informatics 14 - Associate Professorship of Theoretical Computer Science
- Informatics 15 - Chair of Computer Graphics and Visualization
- Informatics 15 - Associate Professorship of 3D Artificial Intelligence
- Informatics 15 - Associate Professorship of Physics-based Simulation
- Informatics 16 - Chair of Computer Aided Medical Procedures
- Informatics 16 - Associate Professorship of Augmented Reality
- Informatics 17 - Chair of Information Systems and Business Process Management
- Informatics 18 - Chair of Decision Sciences und Systems
- Informatics 18 - Associate Professorship of Algorithmic Game Theory
- Informatics 18 - Assistant Professorship of Decision Analytics
- Informatics 19 - Chair of Software Engineering for Business Information Systems
- Informatics 19 - Assistant Professorship of Legal Tech
- Informatics 21 - Chair of Logic and Verification
- Informatics 24 - Associate Professorship of Cyber Trust
- Informatics 24 - Assistant Professorship of Ethics in Systems Design and Machine Learning
- Informatics 25 - Chair of Data Science and Engineering
- Informatics 26 - Associate Professorship of Data Analytics and Machine Learning
- Informatics 28 - Associate Professorship of Visual Computing
- Informatics 29 - Chair of Computational Molecular Medicine
- Informatics 30 - Chair of Law and Security in Digital Transformation
- Informatics 31 - Chair of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare and Medicine
- Informatics 32 - Chair of Computational Imaging and AI in Medicine
- Informatics 33 - Chair of Engineering Resilient Cognitive Systems
- Informatics 34 - Chair of Information System Development and Operation
- Informatics 36 - Associate Professorship of Algorithmic Machine Learning und Explainable AI
- Informatics Heilbronn 1 - Chair of Efficient Algorithms
- Informatics Heilbronn 3 - Chair of Software Engineering
- Informatics Heilbronn 4 - Chair of Computational Mathematics
- Informatics Heilbronn 5 - Assistant Professorship of Data Engineering
- Informatics Heilbronn 6 - Chair of Data Analytics and Statistics
- Informatics Heilbronn 7 - Assistant Professorship of Information Systems
- Chair of Information lnfrastructures
- Chair of Foundations of Deep Neural Networks
- Assistant Professorship of Physics-enhanced Machine Learning
- Assistant Professorship of Applied Education Technologies
- Former organisations of the Department of Computer Science
- Department of Computer Engineering
- Assistant Professorship of AI Planning in Dynamic Environments
- Associate Professorship of AI Processor Design
- Associate Professorship of Audio Information Processing
- Associate Professorship of Bio-inspired Information Processing
- Informatics 6 - Chair of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Real-time Systems
- Associate Professorship of Coding and Cryptography
- Informatics 6 - Associate Professorship of Cyber Physical Systems
- Informatics 6 - Associate Professorship of Machine Vision and Perception
- Informatics 8 - Chair of Network Architectures and Services
- Associate Professorship of Embedded Systems and Internet of Things
- Informatics 9 - Assistant Professorship of Machine Learning for Robotics
- Informatics 10 - Chair of Computer Architecture and Parallel Systems
- Informatics 10 - Associate Professorship of Architecture of Parallel and Distributed Systems
- Informatics 11 - Chair of Connected Mobility
- Associate Professorship of Human-centered Assistive Robotics
- Informatics 13 - Associate Professorship of Integrated Computing Systems
- Informatics 16 - Assistant Professorship of Healthcare and Rehabilitation Robotics
- Informatics 20 - Chair of IT Security
- Associate Professorship of Line Transmission Technology
- Informatics 23 - Chair of Sensor-based Robotic Systems and Intelligent Assistance Systems
- Associate Professorship of Machine Learning
- Chair of Informatics 35 - Chair of Perception for Intelligent Systems
- Informatics Heilbronn 2 - Assistant Professorship of Computer Architecture und Operating Systems
- Informatics Heilbronn 8 - Assistant Professorship of Cyber-Physical Systems
- Informatics Heilbronn 9 - Assistant Professorship of Distributed Systems and Security
- Chair of Data Processing
- Associate Professorship of Quantum Communication Systems Engineering
- Chair of Design Automation
- Chair of Electronic Design Automation
- Chair of Information-oriented Control
- Chair of Integrated Systems
- Chair of Intelligent Bio-Robotic Systems
- Chair of Cognitive Systems
- Chair of Communication Networks
- Chair of Media Technology
- Chair of Human-Machine Communication
- Chair of Signal Processing
- Chair of Communications Engineering
- Chair of Real-Time Computer Systems
- Chair of Robotics and Systems Intelligence
- Chair of Security in Information Technology
- Chair of Safety, Performance and Reliability for Learning Systems
- Chair of Automatic Control Engineering
- Chair of Theoretical Information Technology
- Former organisations of the Department of Computer Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Heinz Nixdorf Chair of Biomedical Electronics
- Associate Professorship of Chip-based Magnetic Sensor Technology
- Associate Professorship of Computational Photonics
- Assistant Professorship of Control and Manipulation of Microscale Living Objects
- Chair of Semiconductor Technology
- Chair of High-Frequency Engineering
- Associate Professorship of Very High Frequency Technology
- Associate Professorship of Hybrid Electronic Systems
- Associate Professorship of Microsensors and Actuators
- Associate Professorship of Molekularelektronik
- Assistant Professorship of Nano- and Microrobotics
- Associate Professorship of Neuroelectronics
- Assistant Professorship of Neuroengineering Materials
- Chair of Measurement Systems and Sensor Technology
- Associate Professorship of Quantum Electronics and Computer Engineering
- Chair of Micro- and Nanosystems Technology
- Associate Professorship of Sensors and Wearables for Healthcare
- Associate Professorship of Simulation of Nanosystems for Energy Conversion
- Chair of Nano and Quantum Sensors
- Associate Professorship of Environmental Sensing and Modeling
- Chair of Circuit Design (2008 — 2021)
- Chair of Circuit Design
- Former organisations of the Department of Electrical Engineering
- Former organisations of Computation, Information and Technology
- Assistant Professorship of Computational Neuroengineering
- Institute for Reactor Dynamics and Safety (2008 — 2009)
- Assistant Professorship of Dynamic Human-Robot-Interaction for Automation Systems (2009 — 2018)
- Associate Professorship of Mathematics (2008 — 2016)
- Associate Professorship of Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit und Wellenausbreitung
- Informatics 5 - Associate Professorship of Scientific computing (2008 — 2023)
- Assistant Professorship of Geometric Optimization and Machine Learning (2009 — 2018)
- Informatics 6 - Associate Professorship of Biomimetische Robotersysteme und Maschinelles Lernen (2012 — 2023)
- Associate Professorship of High Frequency Fields and Circuits (2008 — 2018)
- Associate Professorship of Discrete Mathematics and Combinational Optimization
- Associate Professorship of Synthesis Methods for Electronic Design Automation (2008 — 2010)
- Informatics 9 - Associate Professorship of Intelligent Autonomous Systems
- Assistant Professorship of Hybrid Control Systems (2014 — 2021)
- Associate Professorship of Industrial Automation Systems (2008 — 2018)
- Chair of Computational Modeling in Biology (2009 — 2013)
- Heinz Nixdorf Chair of Biomedical Electronics (2008 — 2017)
- Associate Professorship of Micro-Mechatronical Systems
- Associate Professorship of Mathematics (2008 — 2010)
- Associate Professorship of Multi-Robot Control Engineering (2009 — 2013)
- Assistant Professorship of Neuroscientific System Theory
- Associate Professorship of Mathematics in Machine Learning (2015 — 2016)
- Informatics 16 - Associate Professorship of Image-based Biomedical Modeling (2013 — 2023)
- Associate Professorship of Distributed Measurement Systems (2008 — 2018)
- Assistant Professorship of Distributed Multimodal Information Processing (2009 — 2018)
- Chair of Circuit Theory and Signal Processing (2008 — 2021)
- Chair of Informatik - Intelligente Autonome Systeme (2009 — 2010)
- Associate Professorship of Technologienahen Schaltungsentwurf (2008 — 2010)
- Associate Professorship of Applied mathematics (2009 — 2012)
- Engineering and Design
- ED School Central
- Department of Aerospace and Geodesy
- Chair of Astronomical and Physical Geodesy
- Assistant Professorship of Autonomous Aerial Systems
- Assistant Professorship of Big Geospatial Data Management
- Chair of Land Management
- Chair of Carbon Composites
- Chair of Data Science in Earth Observation
- German Geodetic Research Institute and Chair of Geodetic Geodynamics
- Assistant Professorship of eAviation
- Chair of Flight System Dynamics
- Chair of Geoinformatics
- Chair of Engineering Geodesy
- Chair of Rotorcraft and Vertical Flight
- Associate Professorship of Human Spaceflight Technology
- Chair of Cartography and Visual Analytics
- Chair of Communication and Navigation
- Associate Professorship of Earth System Modelling
- Assistant Professorship of Remote Sensing Applications
- Chair of Aircraft Design
- Assistant Professorship of Lunar and Planetary Exploration
- Chair of Remote Sensing Technology
- Associate Professorship of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
- Chair of Spacecraft Systems
- Chair of Space Mobility and Propulsion
- Chair of Astronautics
- Associate Professorship of Satellite Geodesy
- Chair of Aerospace Structure Design
- Assistant Professorship of Sustainable Future Mobility
- Chair of Turbomachinery and Flight Propulsion
- Hyperloop
- Former organisations of the Department of Aerospace and Geodesy
- Department of Architecture
- Chair of Architectural Design and Participation
- Chair of Architecture and Timber Construction
- Associate Professorship of Architecture and Construction
- Assistant Professorship of Architecture and Design
- Chair of History of Architecture and Curatorial Practice
- Assistant Professorship of Digital Fabrication
- Architekturmuseum
- Associate Professorship of Architectural Design and Building Envelope (2008 — 2022)
- Chair of Architectural Informatics
- Associate Professorship of Architectural Design and Timber Construction (2008 — 2022)
- Associate Professorship of Architectural Design, Rebuilding and Conservation
- Chair of Building History, Building Archaeology and Conservation
- Chair of Building Construction and Material Science (2008 — 2022)
- Associate Professorship of Green Technologies in Landscape Architecture
- Associate Professorship of Landscape Architecture and Regional Open Space
- Chair of Building Realization and Robotics (2008 — 2023)
- Associate Professorship of Recent Building Heritage Conservation
- Chair of Visual Arts
- Assistant Professorship of Structural Design
- Associate Professorship of Urban Design
- Chair of Architectural Design and Conception
- Chair of Architectural Design and Construction
- Chair of Building Technology and Climate Responsive Design
- Chair of Integrated Product Design
- Chair of Landscape Architecture and Transformation
- Chair of Landscape Architecture and Public Space
- Chair of Sustainable Urbanism
- Chair of Urban Development
- Chair of Spacial Art and Lighting Design (2008 — 2022)
- Chair of Restoration-Conservation, Art Technology and Conservation Science
- Chair of Urban Design and Housing
- Chair of Urban Architecture
- Chair of Theory and History of Architecture, Art and Design
- Chair of Structural Design (2008 — 2022)
- Former organisations of the Department of Architecture
- Assistant Professorship of Architectural and Cultural Theory (2014 — 2020)
- Chair of Architectural Technology (2008 — 2017)
- Institute for Housing and Housing Economics (2008 — 2009)
- Assistant Professorship of Partizipative Technikgestaltung (2015 — 2020)
- Visiting Professorship in Emerging Technologies (2011 — 2017)
- Chair of Industrial Design (2008 — 2022)
- Assistant Professorship of History and Theory of Landscape Architecture (2010 — 2017)
- Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Chair of Structural Mechanics
- Chair of Buildings Physics
- Chair of Construction Management
- Chair of Computational Modeling and Simulation
- Chair of Design and Transdisciplinarity
- Chair of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building
- Assistant Professorship of Geothermal Technologies
- Chair of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Rock Mechanics and Tunneling
- Chair of Landslide Research
- Chair of Timber Structures and Building Construction
- Chair of Hydrogeology
- Chair of Hydrology and River Basin Management
- Associate Professorship of Hydromechanics
- Assistant Professorship of Immobilienentwicklung
- Chair of Engineering Geology
- Chair of Concrete and Masonry Structures
- Chair of Metal Structures
- Associate Professorship of Engineering Risk Analysis
- Chair of Urban Water Systems Engineering
- Chair of Structural Analysis and Dynamics
- Chair and Institute of Road, Railway and Airfield Construction
- Chair of Hydraulic Engineering
- Former organisations of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Department of Energy and Process Engineering
- Associate Professorship of Energy Management Technologies
- Associate Professorship of Energy Conversion Technology
- Chair of Plant and Process Technology
- Chair of Bioseparation Engineering
- Chair of Biochemical Engineering
- Associate Professorship of High Voltage Engineering and Switchgear Technology
- Associate Professorship of Systems biotechnology
- Chair of Electrical Energy Storage Technology
- Chair of Electric Power Transmission and Distribution
- Chair of Energy Systems
- Chair of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems
- Chair of High-Power Converter Systems
- Chair of Nuclear Technology
- Chair of Wind Energy
- Former organisations of the Department of Energy and Process Engineering
- Department of Engineering Physics and Computation
- Chair of Aerodynamics and Fluid mechanics
- Associate Professorship of Data-driven Materials Modeling
- Associate Professorship of Mechanics and High Performance Computing
- Chair of Vibro-Acoustics of Vehicles and Machines
- Chair of Computational Mechanics
- Assistant Professorship of Multiscale Modeling of Fluid Materials
- Chair of Automatic Control
- Associate Professorship of Strömungsbeeinflussung und Aeroakustik
- Chair of Thermodynamics
- Associate Professorship of Thermo-Fluid Dynamics
- Associate Professorship of Computational Mechanics
- Associate Professorship of Simulation of Additive Manufacturing Processes
- Former organisations of the Department of Engineering Physics and Computation
- Department of Materials Engineering
- Associate Professorship of Biopolymer Materials
- Chair of Binder Jetting Technology
- Chair of Materials Science and Testing
- Associate Professorship of Plasma-Material-Wechselwirkung
- Chair of Materials Engineering of Additive Manufacturing
- Chair of Materials Science
- Chair of Non-destructive Testing
- Assistant Professorship of Mineral Construction Materials
- Former organisations of the Department of Materials Engineering
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Chair of Applied Mechanics
- Chair of Automation and Information Systems
- Associate Professorship of Laser-based Additive Manufacturing
- Chair of Industrial Management and Assembly Technologies
- Associate Professorship of Sport Equipment and Sport Materials
- Chair of Cyber-Physical Systems in Production Engineering
- Chair of Ergonomics
- Chair of Chair of Materials Handling, Material Flow, Logistics
- Chair of Machine Elements
- Chair of Medical Materials and Implants
- Chair of Micro Technology and Medical Device Technology
- Chair of Product Development and Lightweight Design
- Chair of Produktion und Technik in der Medienbranche
- Application centre for production engineering Augsburg
- Chair of Production Technology and Energy Storage Systems
- Chair of Metal Forming and Casting
- Chair of Machine Tools and Manufacturing Technology
- Former organisations of the Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Department of Mobility Systems Engineering
- Chair of Automotive Technology
- Assistant Professorship of Autonomous Vehicle Systems
- Chair of Sustainable Mobile Drivetrains
- Chair of Urban Structure and Transport Planning
- Assistant Professorship of Design and Operation of Public Rail Transport Systems
- Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control
- Chair of Transportation Systems Engineering
- Associate Professorship of Travel Behavior
- Former organisations of the Department of Mobility Systems Engineering
- Former organisations of Engineering and Design
- Associate Professorship of Virtual Product Developement (2008 — 2016)
- Chair of Vibro-Acoustics of Vehicles and Machines (2015 — 2016)
- Associate Professorship of Automation Technology (2008 — 2013)
- Associate Professorship of Project Management and Building Laws (2008 — 2014)
- Chair of Fluid mechanics (2008 — 2016)
- Chair of Product Development (2008 — 2022)
- Assistant Professorship of Safe Embedded Systems (2013 — 2021)
- Chair of Lightweight Structures (2008 — 2021)
- Associate Professorship of Flow control and Aeroacoustics (2008 — 2011)
- Associate Professorship of Fluid Mechanics (2008 — 2011)
- Chair of Technical Logistics (2016 — 2016)
- Natural Sciences
- NAT School Central
- Department of Physics
- Chair of Angewandte Quantentheorie
- Chair of Biomedical Physics
- Associate Professorship of Dark Matter
- Chair of Experimental Physics with Cosmic Particles
- Assistant Professorship of Data Science in Physics
- Associate Professorship of Fundamental Particle Physics at Low Energies
- Chair of Experimental Physics of Functional Spin-Systems
- Chair of Experimental Physics
- Associate Professorship of Experimental Physics and Astroparticle Physics
- Chair of Experimentalphysik - Dense and Strange Hadronic Matter
- Chair of Experimental Physics on the Topology of Correlated Systems
- Chair of Experimental Astroparticle Physics
- Associate Professorship of Experimentalphysik - Weiche Materie
- Associate Professorship of Collective Quantum Dynamics
- Associate Professorship of Molecular Engineering at Functional Interfaces
- Associate Professorship of Observational Cosmology
- Chair of Experimental Semiconductor Physics (2017 — 2024)
- Chair of Functional Materials
- Assistant Professorship of Physics of Energy Conversion and Storage
- Chair of Semiconductor Quantum Nanosystems
- Associate Professorship of Physics in Biomedical Imaging
- Chair of Laser and X-ray Physics
- Assistant Professorship of Quantum Networks
- Chair of Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials
- Assistant Professorship of Quantum Matter - Experimental Solid State Physics
- Chair of Physics I
- Assistant Professorship of Quantum Technologies
- Associate Professorship of Technical Physics
- Chair of Plasmarand- und Divertorphysik
- Chair of Precision Measurements at Extreme Conditions
- Chair of Theoretische Elementarteilchenphysik
- Chair of Quantum Algorithms and Applications
- Chair of Technical Physics
- Associate Professorship of Theoretische Physik - Rechnergest. Feldtheorie Nukl. u. Hadron. Vielteilchensysteme
- Associate Professorship of Theoretische Physik des frühen Universums
- Chair of Particle Physics
- Chair of Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics
- Assistant Professorship of Theoretical Particle Physics
- Associate Professorship of Theoretical Particle Physics at Colliders
- Chair of Theoretical Solid-State Physics
- Associate Professorship of Theorie der Quantenmaterie und Nanophysik
- Theory of Correlated Quantum Materials
- Associate Professorship of Theory of Functional Energy Materials
- Chair of AI-based Materials Science
- Assistant Professorship of Nanoscale Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Energy Materials
- Former organisations of the Department of Physics
- Department of Bioscience
- Chair of Biochemistry
- Assistant Professorship of Analytical Chemistry
- Assistant Professorship of Biomolecular Cryo-Electron Microscopy
- Chair of Biomolecular Nanotechnology
- Assistant Professorship of Biochemistry of Gene Expression
- Chair of Biomolecular NMR-Spectroscopy
- Associate Professorship of Electron Microscopy
- Chair of Biophysics
- Associate Professorship of Experimental Biophysics
- Chair of Biotechnology
- Associate Professorship of Solid-State NMR spectroscopy
- Chair of Organic Chemistry II
- Chair of Neurobiological Engineering
- Assistant Professorship of Protein Chemistry
- Chair of Pharmaceutical Radiochemistry
- Chair of Physics of Synthetic Biological Systems
- Associate Professorship of Structural Membrane Biochemistry
- Chair of Theoretical Biophysics - Biomolecular Dynamics
- Associate Professorship of Theory of Biological Networks
- Chair of Theoretical Physics - Theory of Complex Biosystems
- Associate Professorship of Cellular Protein Biochemistry
- Chair of Translational Redox Biology
- Chair of Cellular Biophysics
- Former organisations of the Department of Bioscience
- Department of Chemistry
- Chair of Analytical Chemistry and Water Chemistry
- Associate Professorship of Inorganic Chemistry
- Associate Professorship of Analytical Chemistry (2008 — 2024)
- Chair of Inorganic Chemistry with Focus on New Materials
- Chair of Inorganic Chemistry (2008 — 2022)
- Assistant Professorship of Bioinorganic Chemistry
- Assistant Professorship of Biosystems Chemistry (2014 — 2021)
- Assistant Professorship of Biomimetic Catalysis (2017 — 2024)
- Assistant Professorship of Catalytic Interfaces for Sustainable Chemical Energy Carriers
- Chair of Solid-State Electrolyte Chemistry
- Associate Professorship of Digital Catalysis
- Chair of Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry
- Associate Professorship of Dynamic Spectroscopy
- Chair of Construction Chemistry
- Former Chair of Construction Chemicals
- Assistant Professorship of Functional Nanomaterials
- Associate Professorship of Molecular Catalysis
- Chair of Electron Microscopy with research emphasis on Energy Materials
- Assistant Professorship of Integrative Structural Biology (2015 — 2021)
- Chair of Industrial Chemistry and heterogeneous Catalysis
- Chair of Biophysical Chemistry (2008 — 2024)
- Wacker-Chair of Macromolecular Chemistry
- Associate Professorship of Organic Chemistry
- Associate Professorship of Organic Chemistry
- Chair of Medicinal and Bioinorganic Chemistry
- Chair of Food Chemistry (2008 — 2024)
- Chair of Organic Chemistry 1
- Associate Professorship of Physical Chemistry with Focus on Catalysis
- Chair of Physical Chemistry
- Assistant Professorship of Quantum Sensing
- Werner Siemens-Chair of Synthetic Biotechnology
- Associate Professorship of Silicon Chemistry
- Associate Professorship of Physical Chemistry (2008 — 2024)
- Chair of Technical Electrochemistry
- Associate Professorship of Supramolecular Chemistry
- Chair of Chemical Technology I
- Associate Professorship of Synthesis and Characterisation of Innovative Materials
- Chair of Chemical Technology II
- Assistant Professorship of Theoretical Methods in Spectroscopy
- Chair of Theoretical Chemistry
- Assistant Professorship of Theoretical Chemistry
- Associate Professorship of Theoretical Chemistry
- Associate Professorship of Synthetic Biochemistry (2014 — 2023)
- Associate Professorship of Structural Analytics in Catalysis (2010 — 2021)
- Chair of Theoretical Chemistry
- Associate Professorship of Theoretical Chemistry (2008 — 2024)
- Former organisations of the Department of Chemistry
- Former organisations of Natural Sciences
- Chair of Experimental Physics - Functional Multilayers - Physics and Applications (2008 — 2018)
- Assistant Professorship of Computational Solid State / Condensed Matter Physics and Quantum Chemistry (2016 — 2019)
- Chair of Experimental Physics - Hadron and Nuclear Physics (2008 — 2018)
- Chair of Experimental Semiconductor Physics
- Chair of Technical Physics (2008 — 2019)
- Chair of Experimental Physics II
- Chair of Experimental Semiconductor Physics I (2008 — 2015)
- Wacker-Institute for Silicon Chemistry (2009 — 2024)
- Chair of Theoretical Physics III (2008 — 2018)
- Chair of Theoretical Physics V
- Chair of Theoretical Biophysics
- Chair of Physik I (2008 — 2009)
- Chair of Theoretical Physics - Bio soft-matter theory (2008 — 2014)
- Chair of Theoretical Physics - Applied Quantum Field Theory
- Associate Professorship of Experimentalphysik - Moleküldynamik an Grenzflächen (2008 — 2013)
- Associate Professorship of Experimentalphysik - Nukleare Astrophysik
- Assistant Professorship of Experimentalphysik - Astroparticle Physics (2008 — 2018)
- Associate Professorship of Experimentalphysik - Hochenergie- und Neutronenphysik (2008 — 2017)
- Associate Professorship of Experimentalphysik (2008 — 2009)
- Associate Professorship of Experimentalphysik - Molekulare Maschinen (2008 — 2018)
- Associate Professorship of Experimentalphysik - Biophysik (2008 — 2009)
- Associate Professorship of Theoretical physics - Condensed Matter (2008 — 2017)
- Associate Professorship of Theoretische Astroteilchenphysik (2008 — 2021)
- Associate Professorship of Theoretische Physik - Funktionale Materialien (2008 — 2018)
- Associate Professorship of Theoretische Physik - New Physics beyond the Standard Model (2008 — 2018)
- Associate Professorship of Experimentalphysik - Polymere und Bioorganische Materialien (2008 — 2009)
- Assistant Professorship of Nanoplasmonics (2015 — 2015)
- Assistant Professorship of Theory of soft matter (2014 — 2017)
- Life Sciences
- LS School Central
- TUM Food and Agro Center for Innovation and Technology
- Bayerisches Zentrum für Biomolekulare Massenspektrometrie
- TUM Plant Technology Center
- Experimental and Teaching Brewery
- TUM Forschungslaboratorium Holz
- School Office of the TUM School of Life Sciences
- Interdepartmentelles Labor für Stabile Isotope
- TUM Animal Research Center
- Department of Molecular Life Sciences
- Associate Professorship of Bio-Informatics
- Chair of Biochemical Plant Pathology
- Chair of Biological Chemistry
- Associate Professorship of Biotechnology of Natural Products
- Chair of Livestock Biotechnology
- Associate Professorship of Reproductive Biology
- Chair of Botany
- Associate Professorship of Biotechnology of horticultural crops
- Associate Professorship of Chemoinformatics and Protein Modelling
- Clinical Microbiome
- Assistant Professorship of Computational Mass Spectrometry
- Chair of Biopolymer Chemistry
- Associate Professorship of Computational Neuroscience
- Assistant Professorship of Computational Plant Biology
- Chair of Developmental Genetics
- Associate Professorship of Crop Physiology
- Assistant Professorship of Data Science in Systems Biology
- Chair of Nutrition and Immunology
- Associate Professorship of Plant Developmental Biology
- Associate Professorship of Functional Phytometabolomics
- Assistant Professorship of Infection Pathogenesis
- Associate Professorship of Intestinal Microbiome
- Chair of Experimental Genetics
- Associate Professorship of Metabolic Programming
- Chair of Humanbiology
- Associate Professorship of Neuronal Control of Metabolism
- Chair of Intestinal Microbiome
- Associate Professorship of Peptid Biochemistry
- Chair of Food Chemistry and Molecular Sensory Science
- Chair of Microbial Ecology
- Associate Professorship of Plant Epigenomics
- Associate Professorship of Plant Genetics
- Chair of Microbiology
- Associate Professorship of Plant Genetics
- Associate Professorship of Prevention of Microbial Diseases
- Chair of Molecular Nutritional Medicine
- Associate Professorship of Root-Soil Interaction
- Chair of Nutritional Systems Biology
- Associate Professorship of Animal Nutrition and Metabolism
- Chair of Plant Breeding
- Assistant Professorship of Translational Microbiome Data Integration
- Chair of Phytopathology
- Assistant Professorship of Plant Cell Biology
- Chair of Bioanalytics
- Chair of Plant Systems Biology
- Chair of Technical Microbiology
- Chair of Animal Nutrition
- Chair of Animal Physiology and Immunology
- Chair of Animal Breeding
- Chair of Translational Nutritional Medicine
- Chair of Zoology
- Former organisations of the Department of Molecular Life Sciences
- Department of Life Science Engineering
- Chair of Agricultural Systems Engineering
- Associate Professorship of Agrimechatronics
- Assistant Professorship of Forest Operation (2014 — 2021)
- Chair of General Food Technology
- Associate Professorship of Biopharmaceutical Technology
- Associate Professorship of Biothermodynamics
- Assistant Professorship of Cellular Agriculture
- Chair of Analytical Food Chemistry
- Assistant Professorship of Fluid Dynamics of complexe Biosystems
- Associate Professorship of Food Process Engineering
- Associate Professorship of Wood Technology
- Chair of Brewing and Beverage Technology
- Associate Professorship of Functional Materials for Food Packaging
- Chair of Digital Agriculture
- Chair of Wood Science
- Associate Professorship of Fungal Biotechnology in Wood Science
- Chair of Complex Soft Matter
- Associate Professorship of Plant Proteins and Nutrition
- Chair of Food and Bioprocess Engineering
- Assistant Professorship of Precision Agriculture
- Associate Professorship of Wood Science and Functionalization
- Chair of Process Systems Engineering
- Former organisations of the Department of Life Science Engineering
- Department of Life Science Systems
- Chair of Atmospheric Environmental Research
- Associate Professorship of Biodiversität der Pflanzen
- Assistant Professorship of Earth Observation for Ecosystem Management
- Chair of Aquatic Systems Biology - Location Iffeldorf
- Associate Professorship of Geomorphology and Soil Science
- Chair of Agricultural Production and Resource Economics
- Chair of Aquatic Systems Biology - Location Weihenstephan
- Associate Professorship of Land Surface - Atmosphere Interactions
- Chair of Soil Science
- Associate Professorship of Ecoclimatology
- Chair of Economics of Horticulture and Landscaping
- Chair of Grassland
- Associate Professorship of Plant-Insect Interaction
- Chair of Livestock Systems
- Chair of Organic Agriculture and Agronomy
- Associate Professorship of Populationsgenetik
- Assistant Professorship of Soil Biophysics and Environmental Systems
- Associate Professorship of Tree Growth and Wood Physiology
- Associate Professorship of Environmental Microbiology
- Associate Professorship of Governance in International Agribusiness
- Chair of Ecosystem Dynamics and Forest Management in Mountainous Regions
- Associate Professorship of Urban Productive Ecosystems
- Chair of Plant Nutrition
- Assistant Professorship of Forest and Agroforest Systems
- Chair of Restoration Ecology
- Associate Professorship of Forest Nutrition and Water Resources
- Chair of Strategy and Management of Landscape development
- Associate Professorship of Forest Management
- Chair of Terrestrial Ecology
- Chair of Forest Yield Science
- Former organisations of the Department of Life Science Systems
- Former organisations of Life Sciences
- Associate Professorship of Forest Genetics (2008 — 2021)
- Associate Professorship of Applied Wood Biology (2009 — 2018)
- Chair of Agriculture and food (2010 — 2020)
- Assistant Professorship of Solids Engineering (2014 — 2020)
- Associate Professorship of Geobotany (2008 — 2021)
- Chair of Genetics (2008 — 2021)
- Associate Professorship of Public Health Nutrition (2008 — 2021)
- Chair of Chemical-Technical Analysis and Chemical Food Technology (2008 — 2021)
- Chair of Soil Ecology (2008 — 2021)
- Associate Professorship of Fruit Science (2008 — 2021)
- Associate Professorship of Landscape Ecology (2011 — 2019)
- Associate Professorship of Limnology (2013 — 2020)
- Chair of Genome-oriented Bioinformatics (2008 — 2021)
- Chair of Nutrition Physiology (2008 — 2021)
- Chair of Work Science and Applied Computer Science (2008 — 2021)
- Associate Professorship of Horticultural Engineering (2008 — 2021)
- Assistant Professorship of Single Cell Genomics (2016 — 2021)
- Chair of Ground Water Ecology (2008 — 2020)
- Chair of Ecophysiology of Plants (2008 — 2021)
- Associate Professorship of Ecotoxikology (2008 — 2021)
- Chair of Process Engineering of Disperse Systems (2008 — 2021)
- Associate Professorship of Entwicklungsbiologie der Tiere (2008 — 2010)
- Associate Professorship of Pathology of Woody Plants (2008 — 2021)
- Chair of Brewing Technology I (2008 — 2010)
- Associate Professorship of Physical Biochemistry (2008 — 2010)
- Chair of Brewing Technologiy II (2008 — 2010)
- Associate Professorship of Experimental Nutritional Medicine (2008 — 2010)
- Chair of Animal Ecology (2008 — 2021)
- Chair of Silviculture (2008 — 2021)
- Associate Professorship of Technology in Plant Cultivation (2008 — 2008)
- Associate Professorship of Plant Physiology (2008 — 2010)
- Chair of Animal Hygiene
- LS School Central
- Medicine and Health
- MH School Central
- Department of Health and Sport Sciences
- Working Area Media and Communication
- Assistant Professorship of Behavioral Science for Disease Prevention and Health Care
- Working Area Sport Psychology
- Assistant Professorship of Exercise, nutrition and health
- Associate Professorship of Biomechanics in sports
- Chair of Human movement science
- Chair of Sociology of Diversity
- Chair of Epidemiology
- Assistant Professorship of Chronobiology und Health
- Associate Professorship of Health Economics
- Assistant Professorship of Health Literacy
- Chair of Preventive pediatric
- Associate Professorship of Conservative and Rehabilitative Orthopaedics
- Associate Professorship of Neuromuscular Diagnostics
- Assistant Professorship of Psychology und Digital Mental Health Care
- Chair of Social Determinants of Health
- Chair of Sport and Health Management
- Assistant Professorship of Public Health and Prevention
- Associate Professorship of Didactics in Sport and Health
- Assistant Professorship of Educational Science in Sport and Health
- Associate Professorship of Exercise Biology
- Chair of Training Science and Computer Science in Sports
- Central Branch Applied Sports Science
- Former organisations of the Department of Health and Sport Sciences
- Department of Preclinical Medicine
- Institute of General and Surgical Pathology
- Institute of History and Ethics of Medicine
- Institute of Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Hygiene
- Institute of Neuroscience
- Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Institute of Toxicology and Environmental Hygiene
- Institute of Virology
- Institute of Cell Biology of the Nervous System
- Weitere Lehrstühle und Professuren Preclinical Medicine
- Former organisations of the Department of Preclinical Medicine
- Associate Professorship of General Pathology with the Emphasis on Hematopathology (2008 — 2013)
- Associate Professorship of Clinical Virology (2008 — 2013)
- Associate Professorship of Toxicology and Environmental Hygiene (2008 — 2013)
- Associate Professorship of Neuronal Imaging (2008 — 2013)
- Associate Professorship of Neuropathology (2008 — 2023)
- Associate Professorship of Pharmacology and Toxicology (2008 — 2022)
- Associate Professorship of Viruspathogenese (2012 — 2023)
- Associate Professorship of Pathology and Pathological Anatomy (2008 — 2020)
- Assistant Professorship of Immune Diagnostics of Infection (2014 — 2023)
- Kooperationen mit der LMU
- Department of Clinical Medicine
- Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
- Institute of General Medicine
- Chair of Experimental Oncology and Therapy Research
- Institute of Radiology
- Associate Professorship of Experimental Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Chair of Radiology
- Associate Professorship of Department of Interventional Radiology
- Abteilung für Diagnostische und Interventionelle Neuroradiologie
- Assistant Professorship of Artificial Intelligence in Radiology
- Research Facility Department for Imaging and Interventional Mamma Diagnostics (2008 — 2010)
- Clinic of Nutritional Medicine
- Department of Ophthalmology
- Department of Surgery
- Department of Dermatology and Allergology
- Institute of Experimental Hematology
- Institute of Experimental Neuroimmunology
- Institute of Experimental Oncology and Therapeutic Research
- Chair of Umweltmedizin
- Institute of Exerimentelle Tumortherapie
- Department of Gynecology
- Institute of Human Genetics
- Department of Otolaryngology
- Institute of AI and Informatics in Medicine
- Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry
- Department of Internal Medicine I - Cardiology
- Institute of Molecular Allergology
- Institute of Molecular Immunology
- Institute of Molecular Oncology and Functional Genomics
- Department of Internal Medicine II - Gastroenterology
- Institute of Molecular Vascular Medicine
- Department of Internal Medicine III - Hematology and Medical Oncology
- Department of Pediatric Medicine
- Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Clinic and Polyclinic for Neonatology
- Department of Neurosurgery
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Nuclear Medicine
- Department of Orthopedics and Sports Orthopedics
- Department of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery
- Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
- Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy
- Department of Radiooncology and Radiation Therapy
- Department of Trauma Surgery
- Department of Urology
- Clinic and Polyclinic for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
- Department of Preventive Sports Medicine and Sports Cardiology
- German Heart Centre Munich
- Weitere Lehrstühle und Professuren Clinical Medicine
- Chair of Medical Education
- Chair of Applied Stem Cell and Organoidsystems
- Chair of Molecular Mechanisms of Metabolism
- Associate Professorship of Neurobiology of Diabetes
- Chair of Neuroproteomik
- Chair of Metabolic Diseases
- Institute of Diabetes Research (2011 — 2023)
- Chair of Translational Genomics
- Assistant Professorship of Translational Immunology in Environmental Health
- Former organisations of the Department of Clinical Medicine
- Associate Professorship of Surgical Intensive care (2008 — 2012)
- Associate Professorship of Anaesthesiology (2008 — 2013)
- Associate Professorship of Experimental Dermato-Immunology (2008 — 2023)
- Associate Professorship of Paediatric Cardiology (2008 — 2013)
- Chair of Radiation Biology - Cooperation with Helmholtz Zentrum München (2008 — 2023)
- Associate Professorship of Experimental Gynaecology (2008 — 2023)
- Associate Professorship of Anaesthesiology (2008 — 2013)
- Associate Professorship of Otorhinolaryngology (2008 — 2011)
- Associate Professorship of Urology (2008 — 2023)
- Associate Professorship of Sports Orthopaedy
- Associate Professorship of Paediatric Neurology (2008 — 2013)
- Associate Professorship of Gynaecological Tumour Genetics (2008 — 2023)
- Associate Professorship of Cardiovascular Biology (2008 — 2013)
- Associate Professorship of Oncological Gynaecology (2008 — 2015)
- Associate Professorship of Perinatal Medicine and Physiology (2008 — 2023)
- Chair of Translationale Neurodegeneration (2012 — 2023)
- Associate Professorship of Experimentelle Plastische Chirurgie (2014 — 2023)
- Chair of Neurogenetics (2015 — 2023)
- Associate Professorship of Paediatrics
- Former organisations of Medicine and Health
- Dean Former TUM Department of Medicine (2008 — 2023)
- Representative Information Officer Former TUM Department of Medicine (2008 — 2023)
- Assistant Professorship of Molecular Imaging Engineering (2012 — 2023)
- Vice Dean Prodekan Former TUM Department of Medicine (2008 — 2023)
- Data Protection Representative Former TUM Department of Medicine (2008 — 2023)
- Nursing Management (2009 — 2023)
- Dean of Studies (2008 — 2023)
- Institute of Biological Imaging
- Gender Equality Officer Former TUM Department of Medicine (2010 — 2023)
- Representative Research Funding Support Former TUM Department of Medicine (2022 — 2023)
- Institute of Radiobiology (2008 — 2023)
- Department Administration Former TUM Department of Medicine
- Department Administration Former TUM Department of Sport and Health Sciences
- Management
- MGT School Central
- Department of Economics and Policy
- Chair of Economics of Aging
- Assistant Professorship of Agribusiness and Food Industry Economics (2018 — 2023)
- Chair of Forest Economics
- Associate Professorship of Applied Econometrics
- Assistant Professorship of Corporate Law
- Chair of Forest and Environmental Policies
- Assistant Professorship of Economics
- Associate Professorship of Economics of Innovation
- Associate Professorship of Economics of Energy Markets
- Assistant Professorship of Managerial Economics
- Associate Professorship of Resource Economics
- Assistant Professorship of Sustainability Assessment of Food and Agricultural Systems
- Former organisations of the Department of Economics and Policy
- Department of Finance and Accounting
- Chair of Management Accounting
- Associate Professorship of Accounting
- Associate Professorship of Corporate Governance and Capital Markets Law
- Chair of Entrepreneurial Finance
- Chair of Financial Accounting
- Associate Professorship of Digital Finance
- Assistant Professorship of Entrepreneurial Finance
- Chair of Financial Management and Capital Markets
- Associate Professorship of Finance
- Chair of Corporate Management
- Assistant Professorship of Financial Accounting (2019 — 2024)
- Former organisations of the Department of Finance and Accounting
- Department of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Chair of Entrepreneurial Education
- Chair of Entrepreneurship
- Associate Professorship of Entrepreneurial Behavior
- Chair of Technology and Innovation Management
- Assistant Professorship of Entrepreneurial Management
- Chair of Corporate and Intellectual Property Law
- Associate Professorship of Entrepreneurship and Communities
- Associate Professorship of Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprises
- Associate Professorship of Family Business, Culture and Ownership
- Associate Professorship of Innovation and Digitalization
- Associate Professorship of Innovation and Organization Design
- Associate Professorship of International Entrepreneurship
- Assistant Professorship of Organizational Behavior and Human Resources (2018 — 2024)
- Associate Professorship of Law of Digital Goods, Commerce and Competition
- Associate Professorship of Corporate Sustainability - Brewery and Food Industry Management
- Former organisations of the Department of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Department of Marketing, Strategy and Leadership
- Chair of Behavioral Research Methods
- Chair of Digital Marketing
- Assistant Professorship of Digital Marketing
- Chair of Research and Science Management
- Assistant Professorship of Marketing
- Chair of Marketing
- Chair of Marketing and Consumer Research
- Associate Professorship of Strategic Management
- Chair of Psychology
- Chair of Strategic and International Management
- Chair of Strategy and Organization
- Former organisations of the Department of Marketing, Strategy and Leadership
- Department of Operations and Technology
- Chair of Business Administration - Corporate Management, Logistics und Manufacturing
- Associate Professorship of Business Analytics
- Chair of Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Associate Professorship of Business Analytics and Intelligent Systems
- Chair of Operations Management
- Assistant Professorship of Supply Chain Management
- Chair of Operations Management
- Chair of Operations Research
- Chair of Production and Supply Chain Management
- Former organisations of the Department of Operations and Technology
- Former organisations of Management
- Assistant Professorship of Marketing (2010 — 2021)
- Chair of Entrepreneurial Finance (2008 — 2021)
- Associate Professorship of Land Use Planning and Environmental Law (2008 — 2010)
- Associate Professorship of Operations Management and Technology (2012 — 2021)
- Professorship for Social Policy and Insurances (2008 — 2009)
- Chair of Public Finance and Industrial Organization (2008 — 2021)
- Assistant Professorship of Investment, Finance and Risk Management in Energy Markets (2014 — 2021)
- Chair of Environmental Economics and Agricultural Policy (2008 — 2021)
- Assistant Professorship of Technology Marketing (2014 — 2021)
- Associate Professorship of Technologiemanagement (2011 — 2021)
- Chair of Business Administration - Information, Organization and Management (2008 — 2010)
- Institute for Business Administration - Dairy and Food Industry Management (2008 — 2009)
- Social Sciences and Technology
- SOT School Central
- Department of Educational Sciences
- Chair of Vocational Education
- Associate Professorship of Chemistry Education
- Assistant Professorship of Computer Science Education
- Chair of Mathematics Education
- Chair of Educational Monitoring and Effectiveness
- Chair of Human-Centered Technologies for Learning
- Assistant Professorship of Physics Education
- Chair of Teaching and Learning with Digital Media
- Associate Professorship of Life Sciences Education
- Chair of Methods in Empirical Educational Research
- Associate Professorship of Formal and informal learning
- Chair of Educational Psychology
- Associate Professorship of Kognitions- und Entwicklungspsychologie
- Assistant Professorship of Learning Analytics
- Chair of Scientific communication
- Assistant Professorship of Learning Sciences and Educational Design Technologies
- Associate Professorship of Psychology of Teaching and Learning
- Associate Professorship of Research on Learning and Instruction
- Assistant Professorship of Technical Education for Vocational Teaching
- Assistant Professorship of Economics Education
- Former organisations of the Department of Educational Sciences
- Department of Governance
- Chair of Computational Social Science
- Chair of Digital Governance
- Chair of European and Global Governance
- Assistant Professorship of Global Security and Technology
- Chair of Human-Centered Computing
- Chair of International Relations
- Assistant Professorship of Global Health
- Chair of Law and Regulation of the Digital Transformation
- Assistant Professorship of International Political Economy
- Chair of Public Policy, Governance and Innovative Technology
- Assistant Professorship of Mobility Policy
- Associate Professorship of Policy Analysis
- Associate Professorship of Political Data Science
- Chair of Law and Security in Digital Transformation
- Chair of Responsible Data Science
- Assistant Professorship of Political Philosophy and Theory
- Chair of Environmental and Climate Policy
- Chair of Business Ethics
- Assistant Professorship of Politics of Finance
- Associate Professorship of Political Science
- Assistant Professorship of Public Policy for the Green Transition
- Assistant Professorship of Societal Computing
- Former organisations of the Department of Governance
- Department of Science, Technology and Society
- Chair of Anthropology of Science and Technology
- Associate Professorship of Innovation Research
- Chair of Philosophy and History of Science
- Chair of Sustainable Urban Environments
- Chair of Sociology of Science and Technology
- Assistant Professorship of Law, Science, and Technology
- Associate Professorship of Philosophy and Philosophy of Science
- Associate Professorship of History of Technology
- Associate Professorship of Science and Technology Policy
- Former organisations of the Department of Science, Technology and Society
- Former organisations of Social Sciences and Technology
- Associate Professorship of Gender Studies in Engineering (2008 — 2019)
- Associate Professorship of Gender Studies in Engineering (2016 — 2021)
- Associate Professorship of Museum education (2011 — 2021)
- Associate Professorship of Political Science (2008 — 2018)
- Chair of Philosophy and Philosophy of Science (2009 — 2019)
- Sociology (2008 — 2018)
- Chair of Business Ethics (2010 — 2019)
- Chair of History of Technology (2008 — 2011)
- Chair of Wissenschaftssoziologie (2010 — 2018)
- Computation, Information and Technology
- Integrative Research Institutes
- Munich Institute of Integrated Materials, Energy and Process Engineering
- Campus Straubing
- Chair of Biogenic Functional Materials
- Chair of Chemistry of Biogenic Resources
- Chair of Biogenic Polymers
- Chair of Circular Economy and Sustainability Assessment
- Chair of Supply and Value Chain Management
- Associate Professorship of Bioprocess Engineering
- Associate Professorship of Process Engineering
- Associate Professorship of Economics
- Associate Professorship of Electrobiotechnology
- Assistant Professorship of Finance and Accounting
- Associate Professorship of Innovation and Technology Management
- Associate Professorship of Microbial Biotechnology
- Associate Professorship of Optimization and Sustainable Decision Making
- Assistant Professorship of Particle and fiber technology for bio-based materials
- Associate Professorship of Regenerative Energy Systems
- Assistant Professorship of Sustainable Economic Policy
- Assistant Professorship of Sustainable Energy Materials
- TUMCS Office
- Assistant Professorship of Synthetic Biology
- Munich Institute of Biomedical Engineering
- Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence
- Munich Data Science Institute
- Wissenschaftliche Zentralinstitute
- Further organisations
- TUM Emeriti of Excellence
- Former organisations of TUM
- Default
- Ethics Commission med., AMG
- Pharmacy
- Student Council MH-ME
- Sonstige Verwaltung
- Information Technology
- Assistant Professorship of Methodology and Statistics (2010 — 2020)
- Associate Professorship Didactics in Sport and Health (2014 — 2020)
- Student councils Medicine (2009 — 2011)
- Informatics 27 - Chair of Robotics and Systems Intelligence
- Associate Professorship of Fachdidaktik Life Sciences (2009 — 2009)
- Associate Professorship of Geschichte der Technik (2009 — 2009)
- Associate Professorship of Political Science (2010 — 2010)
- Chair of Wissenschaftssoziologie (2013 — 2013)
- Medizintechnik
- Default
- Default
- Schools