Zur Genotoxizität von Rauchgaskondensaten bayerischer Abfallverbrennungsanlagen. III. Emissionsmonitoring mit einem einfachen UDS-Testverfahren unter Nutzung der humanen Lungenzell-Linien NCI-H 322 und 358.

F. Raabe, G. Wichmann, D. Dautzenberg, C. Lierse, J. Zluticky, G. Metzner, W. Mücke

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung


For the validation of the genotoxicity testing on stack gas condensates from waste incineration plants using bacterial short time tests (15), a modified UDS assay with the lung cell lines NCI-H 322 and 358 was developed. The UDS assay is more sensitive than the SOS chromotest and discriminates better between the negative or weakly positive and the clearly positive samples. It has a high sensitive and specificity and also accuracy, is practicable in a comparatively simple, speedy and reasonably priced manner and is therefore appropriate for an emission monitoring similar to simple bacterial short time tests. Especially in strongly concentrated crude and clean gas condensates, maximal induction factors were seen in the range of strong UDS inducers. From 55 samples on 16 incineration plants tested in the years 1992 to 1995, in 48 we found weak to strong UDS inductions in at least one of the two test cell lines. From three plants examined continuously in this period only two emitted stack gases with constantly low genotoxicity at the end of sampling. 5 clean gas condensates, that were taken in random samples from 3 other plants in the period 1994 to 1995, proved to be non-genotoxic in the UDS assay. However, one of these plants emitted stack gases with high cytotoxicity, which might have masked UDS-inducing single substances. It is not possible to make a statement on the human toxicological relevance. However, a clearly positive development towards more harmless stack gas condensates was established. A definite correlation could not be shown between the chemical analysis of the detected cancerogenic organic single substances of the samples and the detected UDS inductions. Further investigations for finding strong UDS inducers from the substance spectrum of municipal stack gas emissions are necessary.

Titel in ÜbersetzungGenotoxicity of stack gas condensates of Bavarian waste incineration plants. III. Emission monitoring with a simple UDS assay using the human lung cell lines NCI-H 322 and 358
Seiten (von - bis)513-530
FachzeitschriftZentralblatt für Hygiene und Umweltmedizin = International journal of hygiene and environmental medicine
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Feb. 1999
Extern publiziertJa


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