Xenotime-(Y) formation from zircon dissolution–precipitation and HREE fractionation: an example from a metamorphosed phosphatic sandstone, Espinhaço fold belt (Brazil)

Gerhard Franz, Giulio Morteani, Dieter Rhede

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung

17 Zitate (Scopus)


We present an example where xenotime-(Y) together with metamorphic zircon replaces detrital zircon in a phosphatic sandstone from the Mesoproterozoic Espinhaço fold belt, Brazil, in a dissolution–precipitation reaction: zircon1relict + P-bearing fluid = zircon2metamorphic + xenotime. During the Brasiliano orogeny at 634 ± 19 Ma, the rocks experienced amphibolite facies metamorphism at ≥0.6 GPa/~550 ± 37 °C (Southern Espinhaço) and ≥0.6 GPa/~570 ± 35 °C (Northern Espinhaço), constrained by Zr-in-rutile and Ti-in-quartz thermometry and the presence of kyanite + muscovite + quartz. Many of the rocks show unusual rare earth element (REE) patterns with a hump at Gd–Tb–Dy and depletion in light REE. Detrital zircons (with relict ages between 1.5 and 3.3 Ga) show varying degrees of replacement as indicated by the presence of xenotime and associated porosity, from almost pristine to complete alteration. Textural evidence indicates local mobility of Zr and REE at the scale of the thin section. Xenotime-(Y) occurs together with other phosphates, mainly augelite, lazulite, and minerals of the svanbergite–crandallite–goyacite–florencite group. Xenotime-(Y) is very heterogeneous and reaches unusually high contents of up to 14 wt% Gd2O3, 13 wt% Dy2O3, and 3 wt% Tb2O3, corresponding to ≤0.36 REE atoms per formula unit due to the exchange Y = REE. The heavy REE patterns of xenotime-(Y) therefore show variable enrichment in individual elements, which explains the characteristic hump at Gd–Tb–Dy in the REE patterns of the whole rock. Although the rocks reached amphibolite facies conditions, textures indicate that formation of xenotime likely occurred during the early stages of diagenesis—metamorphism. Comparison with REE concentrations in xenotime-(Y) from the literature shows that selective REE incorporation into xenotime-(Y) is controlled by interaction with P-bearing hydrous fluids.

FachzeitschriftContributions to Mineralogy and Petrology
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 1 Okt. 2015
Extern publiziertJa


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