Working group: Multi-Jet final states and energy flows

Claire Gwenlan, Leif Lönnblad, Eduardo Rodrigues, Giulia Zanderighi, Alessandro Bacchetta, Andrea Banfi, Sergey Baranov, Jochen Bartels, Armen Bunyatyan, Victor Coco, Gennaro Corcella, Mrinal Dasgupta, Michal Deák, Pierre Antoine Delsart, Igor M. Dremin, Francesco Hautmann, S. Joseph, Hannes Jung, Albert Knutsson, Krzysztof KutakArtem Lipatov, Gionata Luisoni, Swapan Majhi, Lluis Marti, Katharina Müller, Tim Namsoo, Sakar Osman, Hanno Perrey, Germán Rodrigo, Juan Rojo, Zuzana Rúriková, Agustín Sabio Vera, Christian Sander, Thomas Schörner-Sadenius, Florian Schwennsen, Gábor Somogyi, Grégory Soyez, Mark Strikman, Michele Treccani, Daniele Treleani, Zoltán Trócsányi, B. F.L. Ward, S. A. Yost, Nikolai Zotov

Publikation: KonferenzbeitragPapierBegutachtung


We present a summary of the activities of the Multi-Jet final states and energy flows Working Group of the HERA and the LHC workshop, 2007-2008. Among the more specific topics considered were the status of and recent progress in higher order calculations, both in fixed perturbative expansions and in resummed approaches, recent progress in the description of jets, including the description of forward jets, new calculations performed using kT -factorization and new determinations of unintegrated parton densities.

PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2009
Extern publiziertJa
Veranstaltung2nd Workshop on the Implications of HERA for LHC Physics, HERA-LHC 2006 - 2008 - Geneva, Schweiz
Dauer: 26 Mai 200830 Mai 2008


Konferenz2nd Workshop on the Implications of HERA for LHC Physics, HERA-LHC 2006 - 2008


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