Wall scaling and wall models for complex turbulent flows

Michael Manhart, Nikolaus Peller, Margareta Petrovan Boiarciuc, Christophe Brun

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/KonferenzbandKapitelBegutachtung

1 Zitat (Scopus)


The near wall behaviour of complex turbulent flows is investigated by dimensional considerations and a priori investigations. We consider separated incompressible and compressible flows. In incompressible turbulent flows, it is found that the flow in the immediate vicinity of the wall is dependent on two parameters, based on wall friction and local pressure gradient, respectively. In compressible turbulent flows, a third parameter based on the wall heat flux is relevant for the flow profiles in vicinity of the wall. While in the viscous sub-layer, an exact law of the wall can be formulated, the buffer and log-layer is dependent on empirical formulations. The significance of the wall scaling is shown by carefully carried out Direct Numerical Simulations and Large-Eddy Simulations of incompressible and compressible separated flows.

TitelNumerical Simulation of Turbulent Flows and Noise Generation
UntertitelResults of the DFG/CNRS Research Groups FOR 507 and FOR 508
Redakteure/-innenChristophe Brun, Daniel Juve, Michael Manhart, Claus-Dieter Munz
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2009


NameNotes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design
ISSN (Print)1612-2909


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