Verbogener elastischer Titannagel bei Klavikulapseudarthrose: Fallbericht mit Literaturübersicht

N. Harrasser, I. J. Banke, C. Kirchhoff, P. Biberthaler, S. Huber-Wagner

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung


Fractures of the clavicle can often be treated conservatively. For severely dislocated but simple fractures in which conservative treatment often fails, intramedullary nailing with titanium elastic nails (TEN) shows similar results to stable plate osteosynthesis. We present the case of a 28-year-old female patient who had been treated with TEN osteosynthesis 4 years previously but clavicular non-union developed. Due to a new traumatic incident, the implanted intramedullary titanium nail was bent and migrated into the manubrium sterni. We were able to remove the wire and stable plate osteosynthesis was carried out. Bending and migration of titanium wires used in clavicular fractures are relatively rare complications and patients must be informed accordingly. These complications can be avoided by removal of the wire 3–12 months after implantation when the fracture has healed.

Titel in ÜbersetzungBent titanium elastic nail in clavicular non-union: Case report and review of the literature
Seiten (von - bis)638-642
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 25 Juli 2015


  • Clavicular fracture
  • Implant
  • Migration
  • Osteosynthesis
  • Titanium elastic nail


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