Utilizing high performance supercomputing facilities for interactive thermal comfort assessment

Christoph van Treeck, Petra Wenisch, Andre Borrmann, Michael Pfaffinger, Nikola Cenic, Ernst Rank

Publikation: KonferenzbeitragPapierBegutachtung

4 Zitate (Scopus)


We outline the current state of the development of a computational steering environment (CSE) for the interactive simulation and local assessment of indoor thermal comfort. The system consists of a parallel CFD kernel, a fast 3D mesh generator and a virtual reality-based visualization component. The numeri- cal method is based on a lattice Boltzmann algorithm with extensions for simulations of turbulent convec- tive flows. Utilizing high-performance supercompu- ting facilities, the CSE allows for modifying both the geometric model and the boundary conditions during runtime coupled with the immediate update of results. This is made possible by a space-tree based partitioning algorithm that facilitates the meshing of arbitrarily shaped, complex facet models in a matter of just a few seconds computing time. Ongoing developments focus on the integration of a radiation solver, a human thermoregulation model and a local thermal comfort model. Our first step was therefore to develop a prototype for computing resultant surface temperatures mapped for the surface of a numerical manikin. Results are compared with measurement data.

PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2007
VeranstaltungBuilding Simulation 2007, BS 2007 - Beijing, China
Dauer: 3 Sept. 20076 Sept. 2007


KonferenzBuilding Simulation 2007, BS 2007


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