Transcatheter implantation of covered stents serving as extravascular conduits—Proof of a CT-based approach in three cases

Peter Ewert, Andreas Eicken, Daniel Tanase, Stanimir Georgiev, Albrecht Will, Cornelia Pankalla, Nicole Nagdyman, Christian Meierhofer, Jürgen Hörer

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung


Background: Covered stents perform similar to surgically implanted conduits, although the stents work inside of vessels. We present a computed tomography (CT)-based workflow for the implantation of covered stents as extravascular conduits. Methods: We selected three different use cases: 1. Connecting a left-sided partially anomalous drainage of a pulmonary vein to the left atrium. 2. Bypassing an outgrown Dacron conduit in aortic recoarctation. 3. Re-directing hepatic venous blood to the left lung in a Fontan patient with heterotaxy, connecting the innominate vein to the right pulmonary artery like a right-sided cavopulmonary connection. By postprocessing and analyzing CT scans for planning and by the use of long needles under biplane fluoroscopy for the realization of the procedure, we projected and performed the exit of a long needle out of a vessel, the re-entering of a target vessel, and the bridging of the extravascular distance by implantation of covered stents. Results: In all three cases, the covered stents were placed successfully, connecting vessels of 15–50 mm distance from each other with very good hemodynamic results. In one case, two stents were placed consecutively, overlapping each other to accomplish an exact fitting at the connection sites to the native vessels.

Seiten (von - bis)2054-2063
FachzeitschriftCatheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 1 Juni 2022


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