The Role of Adsorbed and Subsurface Carbon Species for the Selective Alkyne Hydrogenation Over a Pd-Black Catalyst: An Operando Study of Bulk and Surface

J. J. Velasco-Vélez, D. Teschner, F. Girgsdies, M. Hävecker, V. Streibel, M. G. Willinger, J. Cao, M. Lamoth, E. Frei, R. Wang, A. Centeno, A. Zurutuza, S. Hofmann, R. Schlögl, A. Knop-Gericke

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung

26 Zitate (Scopus)


The selective hydrogenation of propyne over a Pd-black model catalyst was investigated under operando conditions at 1 bar making use of advanced X-ray diffraction (bulk sensitive) and photo-electron spectroscopy (surface sensitive) techniques. It was found that the population of subsurface species controls the selective catalytic semi-hydrogenation of propyne to propylene due to the formation of surface and near-surface PdCx that inhibits the participation of more reactive bulk hydrogen in the hydrogenation reaction. However, increasing the partial pressure of hydrogen reduces the population of PdCx with the concomitant formation of a β-PdHx phase up to the surface, which is accompanied by a lattice expansion, allowing the participation of more active bulk hydrogen which is responsible for the unselective total alkyne hydrogenation. Therefore, controlling the surface and subsurface catalyst chemistry is crucial to control the selective alkyne semi-hydrogenation.

Seiten (von - bis)2052-2061
FachzeitschriftTopics in Catalysis
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 1 Dez. 2018
Extern publiziertJa


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