The pegmatites of the Nova Era-Itabira-Ferros pegmatite district and the emerald mineralisation of Capoeirana and Belmont (Minas Gerais, Brazil): Geochemistry and Rb-Sr dating

Preinfalk, Y. Kostitsyn, G. Morteani

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung

17 Zitate (Scopus)


The chemical composition and Rb-Sr ages of mica, feldspar, and whole rock samples from the emerald mineralisation of Capoeirana and Belmont, from emerald-barren pegmatites and of the Borrachudos granitic gneiss, Monlevade banded and granitic gneisses from the area of Nova Era-Itabira-Ferros (Minas Gerais, Brazil) as well as from the Guanhães gneiss (Minas Gerais, Brazil) have been determined. The Borrachudos granitic and Monlevade banded gneiss with connected pegmatitic schlieren and pegmatite veins, as well as the Guanhães gneiss, got their actual textures and mineralogical composition at about 1.9 Ga in the context of the Transamazonic tectonothermal event. The Monlevade banded gneiss belongs to a volcano-metasedimentary greenstone belt sequence, which is the typical country rock of the emerald occurences. The main emerald-forming event at Belmont and Capoeirana was a metasomatic reaction of Be-rich anatectic pegmatites with Cr-rich ultrabasic rocks during the Transamazonic event. At Capoeirana, K-feldspar -bearing Be-rich pegmatites were transformed during the emerald-forming process into plagioclase-quartz rocks. Rb-Sr ages on biotite of about 480 Ma from the emerald mineralisation result from the rejuvenation of Transamazonic biotite by the Brasiliano event. The widespread macroscopically unmetamorphosed pegmatites of the study area formed in the Brasiliano event at 477 ∓ 14 Ma. These pegmatites resulted to be emerald-barren although the differentiation degree, as given by diagrams such as Cs vs. K/Rb for muscovite and K- feldspar, starts from ceramic and ends with Be pegmatites. Some pegmatites display a marked internal differentiation.

Seiten (von - bis)867-887
FachzeitschriftJournal of South American Earth Sciences
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2002
Extern publiziertJa


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