The development of childhood asthma: Lessons from the German Multicentre Allergy Study (MAS)

Susanne Lau, Renate Nickel, Bodo Niggemann, Christoph Grüber, Christine Sommerfeld, Sabina Illi, Michael Kulig, Johannes Forster, Ulrich Wahn, Marketa Groeger, Fred Zepp, Wolfgang Kamin, Imke Bieber, Uta Tacke, Volker Wahn, Carl Peter Bauer, Renate Bergmann, Erika Von Mutius

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164 Zitate (Scopus)


Epidemiological surveys have indicated that there has been a notable increase in the prevalence of both asthma and other allergic symptoms in children and young adults. Since it seems unlikely that genetic factors would contribute to the rising trend, environmental factors might play a major part in the development of childhood asthma. In a prospective birth-cohort study, we assessed the relevance of different exposures such as mite and cat allergen exposure, environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) exposure, early infectious diseases and vaccinations for the development of childhood asthma up to the age of 10 years. Data up to 7 years of age have been evaluated. Of 1314 newborn infants enrolled in five German cities in 1990, follow-up data at age 7 years were available for 939 children (72%). Assessments included repeated measurements of specific IgE to food and inhalant allergens, measurement of indoor allergen exposure at 6 months, 18 months and 3 years of age and yearly interviews by a paediatrician. At age 7 years, pulmonary function was tested and bronchial responsiveness was determined in 645 children. At age 7, the prevalence of wheezing in the past 12 months was 10% (94 out of 938), and 6.1% (57 out of 939) parents reported a doctor's diagnosis of asthma in their children. Sensitisation to indoor allergens was associated with asthma, wheeze and increased bronchial responsiveness. However, no relationship between early indoor allergen exposure and the prevalence of asthma, wheeze and bronchial responsiveness was seen. During the first 3 years of life, intra-uterine tobacco and consistent ETS exposure have an adjuvant effect on allergic sensitisation that is transient and restricted to children with a genetic predisposition for allergy. Children sensitised to any allergen early in life and sensitised to inhalant allergens by the age of 7 years were at a significantly increased risk of being asthmatic at this age (odds ratio (OR) = 10.12; 95% confidence interval (C1) = 3.81-26.88). Children with repeated episodes (≥2) of runny nose before the age of 1 year were less likely to develop asthma by the age of 7 years (OR = 0.52; 95% CI = 0.29-0.92). Our data do not support the hypothesis that exposure to environmental allergens directly causes asthma in childhood but that induction of specific IgE responses and the development of childhood asthma are determined by independent factors. Indoor allergen avoidance is recommended as first line treatment in secondary and tertiary preventions; however, conclusions should be drawn with caution about the possible effect of primary preventive measures. Since allergic asthma seems to be a Th2-disease, immunomodulating factors such as as early childhood infections. LPS-exposure or other factors influencing gene-environment interaction and individual susceptibility seem to be relevant for the development of childhood asthma.

Seiten (von - bis)265-272
FachzeitschriftPaediatric Respiratory Reviews
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2002
Extern publiziertJa


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