Synthesis of a cyclic tetrameric purine by successive cross-coupling reactions and subsequent Pd-catalyzed cyclization

Holger Guthmann, Martin Könemann, Thorsten Bach

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14 Zitate (Scopus)


The tetrameric N-benzyl-protected purine (quaterpurine) 2 was synthesized and characterized as its palladium complex [2̇Pd]. The synthesis commenced with the Pd-catalyzed cross-coupling of 8-zincated 9-benzyl-6-chloro-8- iodopurine (9) and 9-benzyl-6-iodopurine (11) establishing the first C-6/ C-8 bond. The sequence was repeated twice after iodo-dechlorination at C-6′ (C-6″) of the respective dimer 12 and trimer 15. The final ring closure was achieved at the tetrameric 6‴-chloro-8-iodoquaterpurine 3b by a reductive intramolecular cross-coupling with hexamethylditin in the presence of Pd2(dba)3 and P(2-furyl)3. The overall yield in the eight step sequence was 17 % starting from 9-benzyl-6-chloropurine (8), the immediate precursor of 11. Other strategies to combine the purine fragments, i.e. by dimer/dimer bond formation or by regioselective cross-coupling, were not successful.

Seiten (von - bis)632-638
FachzeitschriftEuropean Journal of Organic Chemistry
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2007


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