Sucrose intake in Germany

J. Linseisen, K. Gedrich, G. Karg, G. Wolfram

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung

25 Zitate (Scopus)


The present investigation reevaluated the German National Food Consumption Survey in order to obtain data on sucrose intake and food sources of sucrose intake in Germany. Moreover, it focused on the effect of sucrose intake on nutrient intake. By means of the food composition data base Bundeslebensmittelschlussel, version II.2, 7-days dietary records of a representative sample of 15 838 persons aged 4 years and older were analyzed. The relation between sucrose and nutrients intake was investigated by variance and regression analyses. Low, moderate, and high sucrose intake categories were defined by means of sucrose density quartiles and comparisons were made for the percentages of persons meeting the German nutrient intake recommendations. Mean daily sucrose intake - ranges between 43.2 g/d (f, 51- 64 years) and 82.3 g/d (m, 13-14 years). The mean contribution of sucrose to total energy intake is highest with 14 % in young age (4-6 years) and decreases to 9 % and 7 % in 51-64 year old women and men, respectively. The food groups 'table sugar', 'confectionery and ice cream', 'biscuits, cake and pastries', 'preserves', 'dairy products', and 'non-alcoholic beverages' are the main sucrose sources with varying importance in different age groups. The average amount of naturally occurring sucrose in the Germans' diet is estimated to 15-25 % of total sucrose intake. Sucrose contributes 80-90 % to total disaccharides intake in Germany. With each gram of sucrose the intake of energy rises on the average by 12.5 kcal (52.4 kJ), of protein by 0.3 g (9 % of the energy increase), of fat by 0.5 g (34 %), and of carbohydrates by 1.8 g (57 %). Consequently, the higher the sucrose content of a diet, the lower is the contribution of fat to total energy intake. In contrast, the energy-adjusted effect of sucrose was found to be negative for energy- providing nutrients (except mono- and disaccharides) as well as for all the selected micronutrients, except calcium, vitamin E, vitamin C, and dietary fiber. Accordingly, the comparison between moderate and high sucrose consumers revealed a lower percentage of persons meeting nutrient intake recommendations in the high sucrose category under the condition of a comparable energy intake. This unfavorable effect of high sucrose intake is most prominent in 4-6 year old boys and girls as the groups with the highest sucrose intake. Since from the present data no exact figure for a sucrose or sugars intake recommendation can be deduced, it is suggested to keep on the WHO recommendation for a moderate sugar intake of 10 % of energy intake.

Seiten (von - bis)303-314
FachzeitschriftZeitschrift fur Ernahrungswissenschaft
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 1998


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