Study protocol of the RaPS study: Novel risk adapted prevention strategies for people with a family history of colorectal cancer

Kaja Tikk, Korbinian Weigl, Michael Hoffmeister, Svitlana Igel, Matthias Schwab, Jochen Hampe, Stefanie J. Klug, Ulrich Mansmann, Frank Kolligs, Hermann Brenner

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung

8 Zitate (Scopus)


Background: People aged 40-60 years with a family history (FH) of colorectal cancer (CRC) in 1st degree relatives (FDRs) have a 2- to 4-fold increased risk of CRC compared to the average risk population. Therefore, experts recommend starting CRC screening earlier for this high-risk group. However, information on prevalence of relevant colonoscopic findings in this group is sparse, and no risk adapted screening offers are implemented in the German health care system. For example, screening colonoscopy is uniformly offered from age 55 on, regardless of family history. Thus, we initiated a multicenter epidemiological study - the RaPS study (Risk adapted prevention strategies for colorectal cancer) - with the following aims: to determine the prevalence of having a FH of CRC in FDR in the German population aged 40-54 years; to investigate the prevalence of colorectal neoplasms among people with a FDR; and to develop risk-adapted prevention strategies for this high-risk group based on the collected information. Methods/Design: A random sample of 160.000 persons from the general population aged 40-54 years from the catchment areas of three study centers in Germany (Dresden, Munich and Stuttgart) are contacted to assess FH of CRC by an online-questionnaire. Those with a FH of CRC in FDRs are invited to the study centers for individual consultation regarding CRC prevention. Participants are asked to donate blood and stool samples and medical records of colonoscopies will be obtained. Prevalence of CRC and its precursors will be evaluated. Furthermore, genetic, epigenetic and proteomic biomarkers in blood and microbiomic biomarkers in stool will be investigated. Risk markers and their eligibility for risk adapted screening offers will be examined. Discussion: This study will provide data on the prevalence of colorectal neoplasms among persons with a FH of CRC in the age group 40-54 years, which will enable us to derive evidence based screening strategies for this high-risk group.

FachzeitschriftBMC Cancer
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 6 Juli 2018


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