Structural investigations of metalcarbonyl complexes with acyclic diamino carbenes

Guido D. Frey, Eberhardt Herdtweck, Wolfgang A. Herrmann

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54 Zitate (Scopus)


Here, we report the synthesis of acyclic and cyclic aminocarbene substituted carbonyl complexes of group 6 metals. The reaction of bis(diisopropyl)aminocarbene with photolytically produced (ether)M(CO)5 leads to unstable η1-carbene complexes, which convert to η2-carbene complexes; crystallographic data are presented for the tungsten complex, where one amino group of the carbene coordinates to the metal. The Mo and W η2-complexes can be converted to an imine-complex under elimination of propene; characterized by chemical, spectroscopic and crystallographic data. DFT-calculations of a new bis(dialkyl)aminocarbene and the corresponding methylidene salt were performed and compared with the corresponding crystallographic data of the latter one. In a side-reaction during the reaction of (diethyl ether)Cr(CO)5 with a free six-membered cyclic carbene a three-nuclear dianionic metal carbonyl nido complex (C14H10Cr3O12)2- is formed, which could be characterized by spectroscopic and crystallographic data.

Seiten (von - bis)2465-2478
FachzeitschriftJournal of Organometallic Chemistry
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 15 Mai 2006


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