Spannungsfeld Polyvalenz in der Lehrerbildung: Wie polyvalent sind Lehramtsstudiengänge und was bedeutet dies für die Berufswahlsicherheit der Studierenden?

Johannes Bauer, Uta Diercks, Jan Retelsdorf, Tabea Kauper, Friederike Zimmermann, Olaf Köller, Jens Möller, Manfred Prenzel

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung

15 Zitate (Scopus)


The Bologna Process of higher education reform has led to a vast array of different programs of study in German teacher training. In this article, we firstly analyze the implementation of Bachelor programs in teacher training, comparing profession-oriented programs (i.e. those aiming to train students for the teaching profession from the beginning of studies) to polyvalent programs (i.e. those aiming at broad qualifications and including a late decision to become a teacher). Secondly, we investigate whether students enrolled in these study programs differ systematically in their subjective certainty about their career choice. To answer these questions, we analyze portfolios of documents related to teacher training programs from nine German universities that prepare students for teaching in the academic track. Additionally, we analyze data from N = 2585 Bachelor and N = 928 Master degree students. We found that most programs, even when they espouse polyvalence, require an early decision to become a teacher. Moreover, our data confirm findings from earlier studies indicating that student teachers are highly certain about their career choice from the very beginning, with students in polyvalent programs being slightly less certain than those in profession-oriented programs ( d = 0.32).

Titel in ÜbersetzungPolyvalence of teacher training programs - How polyvalent are current study programs and what does this mean for students' certainty about their career choices?
Seiten (von - bis)629-649
FachzeitschriftZeitschrift fur Erziehungswissenschaft
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Dez. 2011


  • Bologna-Process
  • Career choice
  • Higher education research
  • Polyvalence
  • Teacher training


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