Social and psychosocial effects on atopic eczema symptom severity – a scoping review of observational studies published from 1989 to 2019

K. Zeiser, G. Hammel, I. Kirchberger, C. Traidl-Hoffmann

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftÜbersichtsartikelBegutachtung

13 Zitate (Scopus)


Social and psychosocial factors are thought to have an effect on the course of atopic eczema. The aim of this scoping review was to search for and summarize observational studies that investigated the effects of (psycho-)social factors on symptoms in atopic eczema and to identify research gaps. We searched PubMed and PsycINFO for literature published between 1 January 1989 and 31 December 2019 using a systematic search strategy. We included observational studies that analysed the effect of (psycho-)social factors on symptom severity in atopic eczema patients. Reviews and non-observational studies, articles with research on animals, and articles with languages other than English or German were excluded. We identified 17 observational studies that met the inclusion criteria. Several studies found significant results for an exacerbating effect of stress on atopic eczema severity. Although coping and social support does not seem to moderate the effect of stress, coping strategies might mediate the impact that stress has on symptoms. Depression is associated with atopic eczema severity. The effect of depression as a consequence of atopic eczema severity is stronger than the effect as an exacerbating factor. Illness identity, anger, frustration and psychosomatic states have been found to affect atopic eczema symptoms. For attachment security, anxiety and social status, contradictory results were found. Statistically non-significant results were reported for personality, being in a partnership, satisfaction with the partnership, childhood experiences and body consciousness. Only the association between psychosocial stress and atopic eczema symptom severity seems robust. To date, other (psycho-)social factors, especially protective and health-promoting factors, were analysed only in a few studies, mostly with low sample sizes and cross-sectional design. Biopsychosocial interactions between stress, protective factors and the course of atopic eczema as well as the psycho-neuroimmunological mechanisms underlying those interactions are considered fields for future research contributions.

Seiten (von - bis)835-843
FachzeitschriftJournal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Apr. 2021


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