Skill acquisition and transfer system as approach to the intelligent assisting system - IAS

Martin Buss, Hideki Hashimoto

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/KonferenzbandKonferenzbeitragBegutachtung


In this paper we propose a new forthcoming research topic the Intelligent Assisting System - IAS. Using this system we are approaching identification and analysis of human manipulation skill to be used for intelligent human operator assistance. A manipulation skill data base enables the IAS to perform complex manipulations on the motion control level. Through repeated interaction with the operator for unknown environment states, manipulation skill in the data base can be increased on-line. A model for manipulation skill based on the grip transformation matrix is proposed, which describes the transformation between the object trajectory and contact conditions. We describe the experimental system setup of a skill acquisition and transfer system as a first approach to the IAS and some results confirming the calibration method of the developed sensor glove using an artificial neural network. A simple manipulation example shows the feasibility of the proposed manipulation skill model. Further this paper derives a control algorithm realizing object task trajectories and its efficiency is shown by simulation.

TitelProceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Applications
Redakteure/-innen Anon
Herausgeber (Verlag)Publ by IEEE
ISBN (Print)0780309081
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 1993
Extern publiziertJa
VeranstaltungProceedings of the 2nd IEEE Conference on Control Applications - BC, BC, Can
Dauer: 13 Sept. 199316 Sept. 1993


NameProceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Applications


KonferenzProceedings of the 2nd IEEE Conference on Control Applications
OrtBC, BC, Can


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