Skiing equipment: What is done towards more safety, performance and ergonomics?

V. Senner, S. Lehner

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/KonferenzbandKonferenzbeitragBegutachtung

4 Zitate (Scopus)


Alpine Skiing remains to be one of the most popular sports and due the economic development in the Eastern European countries and in Asia the worldwide number of active skiers still increases. Skiing can be practiced at any age, can fascinate at any experience level and its benefit for health is not questioned (although not finally quantified). However skiing is not without risk and epidemiology ranks it in the group of those leisure time sports with increased probability to suffer an injury (among other sports such as American football, soccer and horse riding). Sport engineering can contribute to more safety in skiing by improving the ski binding's release behavior, by optimizing the boot-binding interface towards better force transmission, by designing skis which are easier to handle in all situations and -last but not least - by working on improved protection gear. This paper will give an overview of 15 years of our work in the field of skiing equipment. The overview will address the three components ski, boot and binding and cover a wide range of different aspects. It will focus on measures to reduce the risk of knee injuries, presenting some possible solutions and (the very tedious) process to evaluate their effects. Regarding the development of the conventional (force driven) ski binding the presentation will deal with the problem of inadvertent release and present an investigation that helped to better understand the state of the art regarding this aspect. The ongoing efforts to avoid lower leg injuries (mainly fractures) by proper binding setting, will be demonstrated by a recently finished study in the ski rental environment. Further one study dealing with the interaction between ski and binding will be explained. Finally the ski and the effects of its possible modifications are addressed. This includes the question, if the occurred change of ski's geometry (craving or super side cut skis) has had an impact on the injury development in the late nineties. This part will be completed by one study which examined the potential of a new edge preparation technique. The presentation will finish with a look at professional ski race and describe an equipment related intervention possibility, which is currently under investigation.

TitelImpact of Technology on Sport II
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2008
VeranstaltungImpact of Technology on Sport II - Singapore, Singapur
Dauer: 1 Sept. 20071 Sept. 2007


NameImpact of Technology on Sport II


KonferenzImpact of Technology on Sport II


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