Simulation-Based Evaluation of Charging Infrastructure Concepts: The Park and Ride Case

Markus Fischer, Cornelius Hardt, Jörg Elias, Klaus Bogenberger

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung

4 Zitate (Scopus)


In this study, a framework regarding park and ride facilities is presented and demonstrated to evaluate different approaches of charging concepts. The innovation in this study is that the framework can be used to evaluate arbitrary conductive charging concepts on a detailed level and on the basis of real usage data. Thus, the results can be broken down to the level of individual charging events and charging points. Among other factors, the study considers the expected growth in electric vehicles, the construction and operating costs for the investigated charging infrastructure, and the impact of heterogeneous electric vehicle fleets with different vehicle-specific charging powers. Since both technological and economic perspectives are considered in the framework, the study is relevant for all decision makers involved in the development and operation of charging infrastructure. The results in the investigated case of park and ride facilities show a high potential for cost-efficient low-power charging concepts. Thus, significantly higher energy volumes could be transmitted and better economic results could be achieved by the investigated low-power approaches. Especially for heterogeneous electric vehicle fleets, the number of available charging points appears to be more important than the charging power of the individual charging points in this case.

FachzeitschriftWorld Electric Vehicle Journal
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Aug. 2022


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