Sex difference in antipyrine 3-hydroxylation. An in vivo-in vitro correlation of antipyrine metabolism in two rat strains

J. T.M. Buters, J. Reichen

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung

16 Zitate (Scopus)


Antipyrine metabolism depends on at least three isoenzymes of cytochrome P450 forming the main metabolites 3-OH-, 4-OH- and norantipyrine. We investigated to which extent antipyrine clearance and metabolite formation in vivo correlate with metabolite formation by microsomal fractions in vitro. The influence of sex was investigated in two rat strains. Antipyrine clearance in saliva was determined in 10-month-old Sprague-Dawley and Dark Agouti rats of either sex. Antipyrine and its metabolites in urine and microsomes were measured by a new HPLC method after solid phase or liquid extraction. Antipyrine clearance was 46% higher in males than in female rats. This was associated with a 40% higher urinary excretion of 3-OH-antipyrine in the male rats, the other metabolites being excreted to a similar extent. This higher production of 3-OH-antipyrine in vivo was paralleled by a higher intrinsic clearance in vitro while no sex difference in intrinsic clearance for the formation of the other metabolites was seen. The correlation between in vivo and in vitro metabolic clearance for 3-OH-antipyrine was good (r = 0.75) but unconvincing for 4-OH- (r = 0.49) and norantipyrine (r = 0.01). This could be due to further metabolism of 4-OH- and norantipyrine.

Seiten (von - bis)771-777
FachzeitschriftBiochemical Pharmacology
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 15 Aug. 1990
Extern publiziertJa


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