Seasonal variations in nitrate content, total nitrogen, and nitrate reductase activities of macrophytes from a chalk stream in Upper Bavaria

A. Melzer, R. Kaiser

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung

6 Zitate (Scopus)


11 macrophytic species from a groundwater influenced chalk stream in Upper Bavaria were investigated during a period of one year in order to determine differences in the endogenous nitrate content, in total nitrogen content and in nitrate reductase activity (NRA). Nitrate concentrations of different plants taken from the same site of the river varied by a factor of approximately 103. A maximum of 1,958 μmol NO3-g-1 dry w. could be measured in the petioles of Nasturtium officinale, which accounts for 12% of plant dry w. Very high values were also found in Callitriche obtusangula and Veronica angallis-aquatica. In comparison to the ambient water, mean accumulation rates of up to 131 could be found. In Fontinalis antipyretica, the plant poorest in nitrate, the ratio was only 1.24:1. Elodea canadensis belonged to a group of plants having very low nitrate concentrations. Since NRA was very low too, it is assumed that nitrogen nutrition of this species depends rather on ammonia than on nitrate. With a few exceptions nitrate content of different plant organs varied markedly. In general they were lowest in leaves and highest in shoot axes. Appreciable amounts of nitrate were also found in the roots of plants. No correlation could be found between endogenous nitrate content and NRA. In contrast to endogenous nitrate content and NRA, total nitrogen concentrations of the plants did not differ significantly.

Seiten (von - bis)606-611
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Juli 1986


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