Schwarzstart, Betrieb und Synchronisation eines umrichterbasierten Inselnetzes geführt durch einen netzbildenden Batteriespeicher

Carolin Vogel, Anja Ufkes, Rolf Witzmann

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung


The implementation of a concept for stand-alone grid operation generally requires detailed knowledge of the underlying grid-forming control system. If the concept is based on the operation of a grid-forming battery energy storage system (BESS), the use of additional generation units must also be considered, as the BESS cannot provide unlimited power. In order to ensure the stability of the grid, the control of these additional generation units and their influence on the grid-forming control of the BESS must be considered in the integrated concept for isolated grid operation. This article presents the results of a series of field tests to determine the control behavior of a BESS with grid-forming droop control. The tests investigated the control of the BESS in grid-forming operating mode as well as the effects of various loads on the BESS and the synchronization of the isolated grid and the BESS with the external grid. In general, the voltage and frequency behavior in the isolated grid has proven to be stable according to the set f(P) and U(Q) droops, even when the BESS is loaded beyond its rated power. The knowledge gained from these field tests is the basis for further investigations in the form of simulations, whereby the measurement data is also used to validate existing models.

Titel in ÜbersetzungBlack start, operation and synchronization of an inverter-based grid in isolated operation using a grid-forming battery energy storage system
FachzeitschriftElektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
PublikationsstatusAngenommen/Im Druck - 2024


  • Battery energy storage systems
  • Droop control
  • Field tests
  • Grid-forming inverters
  • Isolated grid operation
  • Synchronization


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