Scaling up mixed workloads: A battle of data freshness, flexibility, and scheduling

Iraklis Psaroudakis, Florian Wolf, Norman May, Thomas Neumann, Alexander Böhm, Anastasia Ailamaki, Kai Uwe Sattler

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/KonferenzbandKonferenzbeitragBegutachtung

28 Zitate (Scopus)


The common “one size does not fit all” paradigm isolates transactional and analytical workloads into separate, specialized database systems. Operational data is periodically replicated to a data warehouse for analytics. Competitiveness of enterprises today, however, depends on real-time reporting on operational data, necessitating an integration of transactional and analytical processing in a single database system. The mixed workload should be able to query and modify common data in a shared schema. The database needs to provide performance guarantees for transactional workloads, and, at the same time, efficiently evaluate complex analytical queries. In this paper, we share our analysis of the performance of two main-memory databases that support mixed workloads, SAP HANA and HyPer, while evaluating the mixed workload CHbenCHmark. By examining their similarities and differences, we identify the factors that affect performance while scaling the number of concurrent transactional and analytical clients. The three main factors are (a) data freshness, i.e., how recent is the data processed by analytical queries, (b) flexibility, i.e., restricting transactional features in order to increase optimization choices and enhance performance, and (c) scheduling, i.e., how the mixed workload utilizes resources. Specifically for scheduling, we show that the absence of workload management under cases of high concurrency leads to analytical workloads overwhelming the system and severely hurting the performance of transactional workloads.

TitelPerformance Characterization and Benchmarking
UntertitelTraditional to Big Data - 6th TPC Technology Conference, TPCTC 2014, Revised Selected Papers
Redakteure/-innenMeikel Poess, Raghunath Nambiar
Herausgeber (Verlag)Springer Verlag
ISBN (elektronisch)9783319153490
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2014
Veranstaltung6th TPC Technology Conference on Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking, TPCTC 2014 held in conjunction with 40th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, VLDB 2014 - Hangzhou, China
Dauer: 1 Sept. 20145 Sept. 2014


NameLecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
ISSN (Print)0302-9743
ISSN (elektronisch)1611-3349


Konferenz6th TPC Technology Conference on Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking, TPCTC 2014 held in conjunction with 40th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, VLDB 2014


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