Role of tumour-free margin distance for loco-regional control in vulvar cancer—a subset analysis of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Gynäkologische Onkologie CaRE-1 multicenter study

Linn Woelber, Lis Femke Griebel, Christine Eulenburg, Jalid Sehouli, Julia Jueckstock, Felix Hilpert, Nikolaus de Gregorio, Annette Hasenburg, Atanas Ignatov, Peter Hillemanns, Sophie Fuerst, Hans Georg Strauss, Klaus H. Baumann, Falk C. Thiel, Alexander Mustea, Werner Meier, Philipp Harter, Pauline Wimberger, Lars Christian Hanker, Barbara SchmalfeldtUlrich Canzler, Tanja Fehm, Alexander Luyten, Martin Hellriegel, Jens Kosse, Christoph Heiss, Peer Hantschmann, Peter Mallmann, Berno Tanner, Jacobus Pfisterer, Barbara Richter, Petra Neuser, Sven Mahner

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70 Zitate (Scopus)


Aim of the study A tumour-free pathological resection margin of ≥8 mm is considered state-of-the-art. Available evidence is based on heterogeneous cohorts. This study was designed to clarify the relevance of the resection margin for loco-regional control in vulvar cancer. Methods AGO-CaRE-1 is a large retrospective study. Patients (n = 1618) with vulvar cancer ≥ FIGO stage IB treated at 29 German gynecologic-cancer-centres 1998–2008 were included. This subgroup analysis focuses on solely surgically treated node-negative patients with complete tumour resection (n = 289). Results Of the 289 analysed patients, 141 (48.8%) had pT1b, 140 (48.4%) pT2 and 8 (2.8%) pT3 tumours. One hundred twenty-five (43.3%) underwent complete vulvectomy, 127 (43.9%) partial vulvectomy and 37 (12.8%) radical local excision. The median minimal resection margin was 5 mm (1 mm–33 mm); all patients received groin staging, in 86.5% with full dissection. Median follow-up was 35.1 months. 46 (15.9%) patients developed recurrence, thereof 34 (11.8%) at the vulva, after a median of 18.3 months. Vulvar recurrence rates were 12.6% in patients with a margin <8 mm and 10.2% in patients with a margin ≥8 mm. When analysed as a continuous variable, the margin distance had no statistically significant impact on local recurrence (HR per mm increase: 0.930, 95% CI: 0.849–1.020; p = 0.125). Multivariate analyses did also not reveal a significant association between the margin and local recurrence neither when analysed as continuous variable nor categorically based on the 8 mm cutoff. Results were consistent when looking at disease-free-survival and time-to-recurrence at any site (HR per mm increase: 0.949, 95% CI: 0.864–1.041; p = 0.267). Conclusions The need for a minimal margin of 8 mm could not be confirmed in the large and homogeneous node-negative cohort of the AGO-CaRE database.

Seiten (von - bis)180-188
FachzeitschriftEuropean Journal of Cancer
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 1 Dez. 2016


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