Requirements for an L-band SAR-mission for global monitoring of tectonic activities

Christian Minet, Michael Eineder, Richard Bamler, Anke Friedrich, Irena Hajnsek

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/KonferenzbandKonferenzbeitragBegutachtung

2 Zitate (Scopus)


SAR interferometry is a well established technology for mapping tectonic activities from space. In this study a mission concept is investigated that provides a global monitoring capability of geo-tectonic threads. Due to the requirement of long-time interferometric coherence of the mapped surfaces an L-band system is proposed. Four scenarios are defined and the respective product requirements are given for each of them: tectonics/earthquakes, tectonics/volcanoes, landslides, and urban subsidence.

TitelProceedings of the 2008 2nd Workshop on USE of Remote Sensing Techniques for Monitoring Volcanoes and Seismogenic Areas, USEReST 2008
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2008
Veranstaltung2008 2nd Workshop on USE of Remote Sensing Techniques for Monitoring Volcanoes and Seismogenic Areas, USEReST 2008 - Naples, Italien
Dauer: 11 Nov. 200814 Nov. 2008


NameProceedings of the 2008 2nd Workshop on USE of Remote Sensing Techniques for Monitoring Volcanoes and Seismogenic Areas, USEReST 2008


Konferenz2008 2nd Workshop on USE of Remote Sensing Techniques for Monitoring Volcanoes and Seismogenic Areas, USEReST 2008


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