Real-Time Measurement of the Piston Ring Gap Positions and Their Effect on Exhaust Engine Oil Emission

Benedict Paul Uhlig, Claus Kirner, Ann Christin Preuss, Georg Wachtmeister

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftKonferenzartikelBegutachtung

9 Zitate (Scopus)


Measurement techniques for piston ring rotation, engine oil emission and blow by have been implemented on a single-cylinder petrol engine. A novel method of analysis allows continuous and fast real-time identification of the piston ring rotation of the two compression rings, while the mass-spectrometric analysis of the exhaust gas delivers the cylinder oil emission instantly and with a high temporal resolution. Only minor modifications to the piston rings were made for the insertion of the emitters, the rings rotate freely around the circumference of the piston. The idea of this setup is that through online observation at the test bench, instant feedback of the measured variables is available, making it possible to purposefully select and compare measurement points. The high time resolution of the measurement methods enables the analysis of dynamic effects. In this article, the measurement setup and evaluation method is described. Results monitoring the ring gap positions and the exhaust engine oil emission are discussed together with results of blow-by measurements for different speeds and loads. With the production piston assembly, only minor rotational movement of piston rings was apparent at stationary operation. Measurement results of the dynamic effects are discussed.

FachzeitschriftSAE Technical Papers
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2017
VeranstaltungAutomotive Technical Papers, WONLYAUTO 2018 - Warrendale, USA/Vereinigte Staaten
Dauer: 28 Dez. 2018 → …


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