Rapid flow in spillway chutes with and without deflectors - a model-prototype comparison.

P. Volkart, P. Rutschmann

Publikation: Buch/BerichtBuchBegutachtung


Considers problems occurring in Froude models of two phase flows and discusses model and prototype comparisons of self aeration and bottom aeration, by means of deflectors. Examines characteristics of prototype velocity and concentration profiles, without deflectors and notes some scale effects (surface tension) and model effects in hydraulic models. Test results with the deflector are discussed. Flow over the air slot is characterized by jet length and tendency to spray formation at the end of the ramp. Air entrainment observations indicate a model scale effect, and implication for modelling are noted. (C.J.U.)

VerlagStuttgart Univ
ISBN (Print)3 921694 98 1
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 1985


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