Querkraftversuche an unterschiedlich hoch vorgespannten Balkenelementen mit baupraktischen Bauteilabmessungen

Sebastian Lamatsch, Oliver Fischer

Publikation: Beitrag in PeriodikumArtikel

2 Zitate (Scopus)


Due to increasing traffic loads and different design rules in newer standards, significant deficiencies occur in the shear capacity check of existing prestressed concrete bridges. Therefore, verified analytical models based on realistic experimental investigations are important for the assessment of prestressed concrete bridges. However, for the verification and further development of existing analytical models, there is currently an insufficient amount of experimental data available, particularly for continuous prestressed concrete girders with a low amount of shear reinforcement. In addition, some aspects have received less attention so far. Therefore, the results of tests carried out on prestressed beam elements as part of a collaborative research project are presented, focusing on prestressing, strain increase in the tendon and crosssection, and the influence of smooth longitudinal reinforcement is also discussed. The results are compared with current and future shear strength models for the recalculation of bridges.

Titel in ÜbersetzungExperimental investigations on the shear strength of prestressed beam elements with realistic dimensions and varying degree of prestressing
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2024


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