Quantum process tomography of unitary maps from time-delayed measurements

Irene López Gutiérrez, Felix Dietrich, Christian B. Mendl

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung


Quantum process tomography conventionally uses a multitude of initial quantum states and then performs state tomography on the process output. Here we propose and study an alternative approach which requires only a single (or few) known initial states together with time-delayed measurements for reconstructing the unitary map and corresponding Hamiltonian of the time dynamics. The overarching mathematical framework and feasibility guarantee of our method is provided by the Takens embedding theorem. We explain in detail how the reconstruction of a single-qubit Hamiltonian works in this setting and provide numerical methods and experiments for general few-qubit and lattice systems with local interactions. In particular, the method allows to find the Hamiltonian of a two qubit system by observing only one of the qubits.

FachzeitschriftQuantum Information Processing
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Juni 2023


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