Pyrophyllite formation in the thermal aureole of a hydrothermal system in the Lower Saxony Basin, Germany

P. Will, V. Lüders, K. Wemmer, H. A. Gilg

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung

13 Zitate (Scopus)


A combined clay mineralogical, fluid inclusion, and K-Ar study of Upper Jurassic metasediments at the Gehn (Lower Saxony Basin, Germany) provides evidence for a transient hydrothermal event during Upper Cretaceous basin inversion centered on a prominent gravimetric anomaly. Kaolinite and smectite in Oxfordian pelitic parent rocks that cap a deltaic sandstone unit were locally transformed into pyrophyllite, 2M1 illite, R3 illite-smectite, chlorite, and berthierine at the Ueffeln quarry. The pyrophyllite-bearing metapelites lack bedding-parallel preferred orientation of sheet silicates and experienced peak temperatures of about 260-270°C consistent with microthermometric data on quartz veins in the underlying silicified sandstones. The presence of expandable layers in illite-smectite and high Kübler Index values indicate that the thermal event was rather short-lived. K-Ar dating of the <0.2 μm fraction of the pyrophyllite-bearing Ueffeln metapelite yields a maximum illitization age of 117 ± 2 Ma. Lower trapping temperatures of aqueous fluid inclusions in quartz veins and the absence of pyrophyllite in metapelites of the Frettberg quarry in a distance of about 2.5 km from the Ueffeln quarry infer maximum paleotemperatures of only 220°C. The highly localized thermal anomaly at Ueffeln suggests fault-controlled fluid migration and heat transfer that provided a thermal aureole for pyrophyllite formation in the metapelites rather than metamorphism due to deep burial. A pH neutral hydrothermal fluid that formed by devolatilization reactions or less likely by mixing of meteoric and marine waters that interacted at depth with shales is indicated by the low salinity (3-5 wt. % NaCl equiv.) of aqueous inclusions, their coexistence with methane-carbon dioxide-dominated gas inclusions as well as carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen isotope data. The upwelling zone of hydrothermal fluids and the thermal maximum is centered on a gravimetric anomaly interpreted as an igneous intrusion ('Bramsche Massif') providing the heat source for the intrabasinal hydrothermal system.

Seiten (von - bis)349-363
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 1 Mai 2016


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