Primäre und sekundäre brustkrebsprävention. Kenntnisstand, subjektive beurteilung und teilnahme einer stichprobe der weiblichen bevölkerung Schieswig-Holsteins

S. A. Schleider, U. Schwarz-Boeger, W. Jonat, Marion Kiechle

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung


Objective: The intention was to find out to what extend women in Schleswig-Holstein were informed about primary and secondary preventive measures concerning breast cancer, how they assess their efficiency and in how far they are willing to take part in them. From June 1999 to April 2000 1520 women in Schleswig-Holsteins were asked to complete a questionnaire about breast cancer prevention. There was a representative opinion poll of the market research company "Institut für Gesundheitsforschung München (Infratest)". Results: Most of the women (90.6%) beieved in the efficiency of early recognition of breast cancer at the gynaecologist, only 79.3% of them stated that they took the chance of taking part in the annual examination. According to the doctors Union "Kassenäirztliche Vereinigung", only 50.4% of the female members of health insurance schemes took part in examinations concerning the early recognition of breast cancer in 1999. The degree of knowledge about and participation in preventive measures depend on the age of the women. The gynaecologist was named as the most important source of information and counselling. Conclusion: In future the population needs more information and instruction concerning breast cancer preventive measures.

Titel in ÜbersetzungPrimary and secondary breast cancer prevention. Knowledge, assessment and participation among the female population of Schleswig-Holstein
Seiten (von - bis)207-212
FachzeitschriftZentralblatt fur Gynakologie
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2002


  • Breast cancer
  • Breast cancer prevention
  • Methods for early cancer detection
  • Poll
  • Schleswig-Holstein


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