Preferred inhibition of pro-apoptotic Bak by BclxL via a two-step mechanism

Kira D. Leitl, Laura E. Sperl, Franz Hagn

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung


Bak is a pore-forming Bcl2 protein that induces apoptosis at the outer mitochondrial membrane, which can either proceed via Bak oligomerization or be inhibited by anti-apoptotic Bcl2 proteins, such as BclxL. BclxL is very efficient in inhibiting Bak pore formation, but the mechanistic basis of this preferred interaction has remained enigmatic. Here, we identify Bakα1 as a second binding site for BclxL and show that it specifically interacts with the Bcl2-homology (BH)3 binding groove of BclxL. The affinity between BclxL and Bakα1 is weaker than with Bak-BH3, suggesting that Bakα1, being exposed early in the pore-forming trajectory, transiently captures BclxL, which subsequently transitions to the proximal BH3 site. Bak variants where the initial transient interaction with BclxL is modulated show a markedly altered response to BclxL inhibition. This work contributes to a better mechanistic understanding of the fine-tuned interactions between different players of the Bcl2 protein family.

FachzeitschriftCell Reports
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 27 Aug. 2024
Extern publiziertJa


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