Prä-/Post-Untersuchung des Effektes von Umzug und Neubau einer psychiatrischen Klinik auf die Stationsatmosphäre in der Wahrnehmung von Patienten und Mitarbeitern

Peter Brieger, Sarah Steck, Reinhold Kilian, Johannes Hamann

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung


Objective To determine effects on ward atmosphere of a relocation of a psychiatric hospital to a new building. Methods Patients and employees of a psychiatric hospital rated their view of the ward atmosphere using the German version of the Ward Atmosphere Scale before and after relocation of the hospital to a new building. Results 171 patients and 44 employees participated in the study. There was no influence of the relocation of the hospital on the ward atmosphere. However, working or being treated in the day clinic predicted significantly more positive ratings of the ward atmosphere. Conclusion Relocation to new buildings alone does not necessarily lead to better ratings of the ward atmosphere.

Titel in ÜbersetzungWard Atmosphere before and after Relocation of a Psychiatric Hospital to a New Building
Seiten (von - bis)154-157
FachzeitschriftPsychiatrische Praxis
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 1 Apr. 2020


  • architecture
  • mental health
  • ward atmosphere


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