Photoconductance of a submicron oxidized line in surface conductive single crystalline diamond

M. Stallhofer, M. Seifert, M. V. Hauf, G. Abstreiter, M. Stutzmann, J. A. Garrido, A. W. Holleitner

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung

7 Zitate (Scopus)


We report on sub-bandgap optoelectronic phenomena of hydrogen-terminated diamond patterned with a submicron oxidized line. The line acts as an energy barrier for the two-dimensional hole gas located below the hydrogenated diamond surface. A photoconductive gain of the hole conductivity across the barrier is measured for sub-bandgap illumination. The findings are consistent with photogenerated electrons being trapped in defect levels within the barrier. We discuss the spatial and energetic characteristics of the optoelectronic phenomena, as well as possible photocurrent effects.

FachzeitschriftApplied Physics Letters
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 13 Sept. 2010


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