Periphilin is strongly expressed in the murine nervous system and is indispensable for murine development

Anne S. Soehn, Thu Trang Pham, Karin Schaeferhoff, Thomas Floss, Daniela M. Vogt Weisenhorn, Wolfgang Wurst, Michael Bonin, Olaf Riess

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung

11 Zitate (Scopus)


Periphilin is involved in multiple processes in vivo. To explore its physiological role from an organismic perspective, we generated mice with a gene trap insertion in the periphilin-1 gene. Based on β-gal reporter activity, a widespread periphilin expression was evident, especially in the developing somites and limbs, the embryonic nervous system, and the adult brain. In accordance with this broad expression, homozygous deficiency of periphilin was lethal in early embryogenesis. Mice with a heterozygous deficiency did not show any abnormalities of brain morphology and function, neither histologically nor regarding the transcriptome. Interestingly, the reduction of the periphilin-1 gene dosage was compensated by an increased expression of the remaining wild-type allele in the brain. These results point to an indispensable function of periphilin during murine development and an important role in the nervous system, reflected by a strong and tightly regulated expression in the murine brain.

Seiten (von - bis)697-707
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2009
Extern publiziertJa


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