Optimal Joint User Association and Multi-Pattern Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Networks

Quan Kuang, Wolfgang Utschick, Andreas Dotzler

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48 Zitate (Scopus)


This paper studies the joint user association and resource allocation in heterogeneous networks (HetNets) from a novel perspective, motivated by and generalizing the idea of fractional frequency reuse. By treating the multi-cell multi-user resource allocation as resource partitioning among multiple reuse patterns, we propose a unified framework to analyze and compare a wide range of user association and resource allocation strategies for HetNets, and provide an optimal benchmark for network performance. The enabling mechanisms are a novel formulation to consider all possible interference patterns or any pre-defined subset of patterns, and efficient sparsity-pursuit algorithms to find the solution. A notable feature of this formulation is that the patterns remain fixed during the resource optimization process. This creates a favorable opportunity for convex formulations while still considering interference coupling. More important, in view of the fact that multi-cell resource allocation is very computational demanding, our framework provides a systematic way to trade off performance for the reduction of computational complexity by restricting the candidate patterns to a small number of feature patterns. Relying on the sparsity-pursuit capability of the proposed algorithms, we develop a practical guideline to identify the feature patterns. Numerical results show that the identified feature patterns can significantly improve the existing strategies, and jointly optimizing the user association and resource allocation indeed brings considerable gain.

Seiten (von - bis)3388-3401
FachzeitschriftIEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 1 Juli 2016


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