On the nature of carbon embrittlement of tungsten fibers during powder metallurgical processes

Y. Mao, C. Chen, J. W. Coenen, J. Riesch, S. Sistla, J. Almanstötter, A. Terra, Y. Wu, L. Raumann, T. Höschen, H. Gietl, R. Neu, Ch Linsmeier, Ch Broeckmann

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung

29 Zitate (Scopus)


As a candidate material for plasma facing material in future fusion reactor, tungsten (W)fiber reinforced tungsten (Wf/W)composite has been recently developed. The crack resistance of Wf/W is proven to be significantly higher compared to normal tungsten. However, the W-fibers used always become embrittlement during the powder metallurgy (PM)processes. In order to understand this significant issue, in this work, a series of Wf/W composites have been prepared. Microstructural and mechanical studies revealed that microstructural and mechanical studies revealed that the nanosized carbides in the grains and the carbide-layer on the grain boundaries are formed during PM processes. Especially, the carbide-layer on the grain boundaries can cause the brittle fracture of those W-fibers affected. Meanwhile, W-foil protection of the green body during the sintering process can reduce the carbon contamination effect and allows to preserve the ductility of the tungsten fibers used.

Seiten (von - bis)18-22
FachzeitschriftFusion Engineering and Design
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Aug. 2019


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