Numerical Investigation of the Interaction of a Circumferential Groove Casing Treatment and Near-Tip Modifications for a Highly Loaded Low-Speed Rotor Under the Influence of Double Leakage

Jannik Eckel, Lukas Reisinger, Philipp von Jeinsen, Volker Gümmer

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung


Eckel et al. (2023, “Numerical Investigation of Near-Tip Modifications for a Highly Loaded Low-Speed Rotor Under the Influence of Double Leakage,” ASME J. Turbomach., 145(4), p. 041003) proposed using a convex-profiled pressure side region close to the tip, known as belly, as an effective method of extending the operating range of low-speed axial compressor rotors. In the literature, circumferential grooves are another well-described technique for improving the stable working range of a compressor rotor. No research has been conducted to date to determine which modification is more effective and how they interact when used together. This paper numerically investigates the influence of circumferential casing grooves and near-tip modifications on the flow field in the tip region of a highly loaded, low-speed axial compressor rotor. The simulated rotor consists of a hybrid blade configuration with a tandem profile in the mid-span region and single blade profiles near the endwalls. The single blade profile close to the tip features three different convex-profiled elements, which differ in their respective thicknesses. The aim of the numerical analysis is to explain the interaction of the secondary flow phenomena when applying the circumferential grooves and the belly geometries. For this purpose, eight different axial positions of the circumferential groove are investigated for each of the three belly configurations. These are arranged in 10% increments from −7% to 63% along the axial rotor tip chord. The potential of the concept is evaluated by a numerical investigation in the 1.5-stage setup with an inlet guide vane and tandem stator. It is shown that a circumferential groove can further increase the operating range for all belly configurations when positioned axially correctly. In this respect, equalization of the near-casing deceleration in the circumferential direction leads to an extension of the stall margin with both modifications. Concentrated regions of low-momentum fluid with a large extent in the radial direction should be avoided consequently. A tip vortex stability factor is introduced to quantitatively evaluate this effect. The operating range can thus already be estimated in a first approximation at the design point. In general, the groove and belly should be positioned where the tip leakage vortex meets the pressure side of the adjacent blade. If the groove is used together with the belly, the leading edge of the former should be situated at the location of maximum thickness of the near-tip modification. The effects of the circumferential groove and the belly are then superimposed. If using only one modification, the belly appears better suited for ensuring an extension of the operating range while maintaining high efficiencies.

FachzeitschriftJournal of Turbomachinery
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 1 Juli 2024


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