Novel Principle of Aero/Hydro-Dynamic Lift Creation, Methods of Its Technical Implementation, and Prospects of Its Application

Igor Bolvashenkov, Jorg Kammermann, Hans Georg Herzog, Andrey V. Brazhnikov, Nikolay N. Dovzhenko, Vasilii I. Panteleev

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/KonferenzbandKonferenzbeitragBegutachtung


Creating the highest possible lifting force is an urgent task for a number of technical devices: Aircraft, underwater apparatuses, wind generators, hydro-generators, etc. Unfortunately, all currently known methods of aero/hydro lift creation are already completely used. However, the authors of this paper discovered a novel principle of creating lift, presented in this paper and named by the authors 'energy-difference principle of creation of the aero/hydro-dynamic lift'. This new principle can be used both in combination with traditional methods of creating a lifting force and separately. The paper discusses various methods of implementing energy-difference principle of creation of the aero/hydro-dynamic lift and the possibility of its application in aviation, wind power, etc. It is shown that the use of this principle allows, in particular, to create a new type of wind generators that are more energy efficient than the existing ones.

TitelProceedings - ICOECS 2019
Untertitel2019 International Conference on Electrotechnical Complexes and Systems
Herausgeber (Verlag)Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
ISBN (elektronisch)9781728117287
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Okt. 2019
Veranstaltung2019 International Conference on Electrotechnical Complexes and Systems, ICOECS 2019 - Ufa, Russland
Dauer: 22 Okt. 201925 Okt. 2019


NameProceedings - ICOECS 2019: 2019 International Conference on Electrotechnical Complexes and Systems


Konferenz2019 International Conference on Electrotechnical Complexes and Systems, ICOECS 2019


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