Ni-catalyzed cleavage of aryl ethers in the aqueous phase

Jiayue He, Chen Zhao, Johannes A. Lercher

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung

421 Zitate (Scopus)


A novel Ni/SiO2-catalyzed route for selective cleavage of ether bonds of (lignin-derived) aromatic ethers and hydrogenation of the oxygen-containing intermediates at 120 C in presence of 6 bar H2 in the aqueous phase is reported. The C-O bonds of α-O-4 and β-O-4 linkages are cleaved by hydrogenolysis on Ni, while the C-O bond of the 4-O-5 linkage is cleaved via parallel hydrogenolysis and hydrolysis. The difference is attributed to the fact that the Caliphatic-OH fragments generated from hydrolysis of α-O-4 and β-O-4 linkages can undergo further hydrogenolysis, while phenol (produced by hydrolysis of the 4-O-5 linkage) is hydrogenated to produce cyclohexanol under conditions investigated. The apparent activation energies, Ea(α-O-4) < Ea(β-O-4) < Ea(4-O-5), vary proportionally with the bond dissociation energies. In the conversion of β-O-4 and 4-O-5 ether bonds, C-O bond cleavage is the rate-determining step, with the reactants competing with hydrogen for active sites, leading to a maximum reaction rate as a function of the H2 pressure. For the very fast C-O bond cleavage of the α-O-4 linkage, increasing the H2 pressure increases the rate-determining product desorption under the conditions tested.

Seiten (von - bis)20768-20775
FachzeitschriftJournal of the American Chemical Society
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 26 Dez. 2012


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